🌹Chapter 9: Opus 9🌹

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Fingers skimmed quickly and lightly over the raised bumps on the page, a faint smile on Sebastian's face. Ciel watched him quietly from the kitchen and his toes wiggled in his socks against the tile floor. The socks muffled his footsteps, a trick Ciel had learned early in the game. A page turned, the edge of the paper dragging against Sebastian's shirt and creating a crackling noise in the silence of the apartment.

Ciel smirked and slowly started to walk forward. He walked lightly on the balls of his feet, almost on his toes. His arms held outward from his body, keeping the fabric from brushing against each other as he approached the back of the couch. His shorts, which he had discarded earlier in the game, still sat in a pile next to the couch.

Nothing would alert Sebastian to his approach and Ciel fought to keep his steps light. He wouldn't lose. He couldn't lose. If he won, Sebastian promised to play something for him on the piano before they went out for dinner. If he lost, well, Ciel didn't let himself dwell on that.

You can do this, he told himself. You can sneak up on Sebastian. It's not impossible.

Another page turned and Ciel paused, waiting for Sebastian to lose himself in his book again. Almost there. Only a few more feet and he would win the game.

Three more small steps and Ciel opened his mouth just as Sebastian spun around to look at him. A smug smirk flickered across Sebastian's lips. "Found you," he teased.

Ciel scowled and almost stomped his foot. "Impossible. How did you hear me this time? I'm practically naked and I even covered my feet." He held up a foot for emphasis. "What gave me away?"

"You opened your mouth," Sebastian said. "When you did, you sucked in a deep breath to speak. That gave you away. Plus, you breathe loud to begin with."

"You and your superpower hearing," Ciel grumbled and circled around the couch. He dropped down on the cushions next to Sebastian.

Sebastian chuckled and closed the book. "You just couldn't be a ninja," he quipped.

Ciel poked Sebastian in the arm. "Hush you. You just have amazing hearing," he stated. "I guess you want your prize?"

"Preferably," Sebastian said with a smile. Ciel leaned in closer and Sebastian's arm curled his waist. "I'm starting to wonder if you're losing on purpose," he murmured.

"Well, you keep giving me a good reason to lose," he answered. "Although I do want to hear you play."

Sebastian's eyes lowered. "In good time," he stated before closing the small gap between them.

Ciel hummed appreciatively as their lips melded together and he pressed his body further against Sebastian. His hand came up and cupped the base of Sebastian's neck, deepening the kiss as their tongues curled around each other. For someone who couldn't see, Sebastian knew how to dominate a kiss and Ciel wondered what else he could take the lead on.

They broke apart and Ciel panted slightly. "You're really good at this," he said and licked his lips.

"Good at this game or good at kissing?" Sebastian questioned, his voice amused.

"Both," Ciel stated. His fingers tightened briefly in Sebastian's hair. Sebastian and Johan had dated for a few years; no doubt, Sebastian gained most of his skill from there. "You and Johan," he trailed off.

Sebastian made a soothing sound in the back of his throat. "We were intimate," he said and squeezed Ciel's waist in a reassuring gesture. "But I'm not going to compare you two."

The words eased Ciel's mind but didn't soothe the itch that had started to form. He flushed. "How did that work?"

"We switched," Sebastian said unabashed. "Just because I can't see doesn't mean that I'm going to roll over and play submissive to someone. I like to take control as much as the next guy. Everyone has the same structure to their bodies. It's easier than you think."

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