🌹 Chapter 19: Opus 19🌹

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Fluffy white clouds dotted the pristine blue sky. Ciel stared idly at them through the window of the plane and his leg bounced with anxious tension. They cut through a cloud and for a while, nothing but a light gray color filled his window. His fingers uncurled and curled again as they finished passing through the cloud and the ground appeared once more.

He silently urged the plane to go faster. The quicker they landed and Ciel left the plane, the faster he could see Sebastian. Ciel bit his lip at the thought and glared intently out the window but it didn't stop his heart from racing a little more. Like a wildfire, thoughts of Sebastian consumed his mind and Ciel remained helpless to their burning touch.

They haunted him at night and kept him awake until finally, he found a flight that would take him to see Sebastian. He didn't want to think about how much time had passed since that fateful call and now. Too long, his mind supplied, but Ciel hoped to rectify that today. If only the plane would go just a bit faster.

His eyes lowered to the ground below as it started to grow closer and the quilted pattern began to form actual shapes. Buildings became sharper and trees started to define themselves around the surrounding area.

His leg stopped bouncing and his fingers picked up the rhythm. Behind him, a baby started to cry as the cabin pressure changed slightly as they readied for landing. He scrunched his nose and swallowed, popping his ears. Feeling better, he turned his attention to the scenery outside the window. He could make out the cars as they flew over the highway and he vaguely compared them to small toys.

The runway appeared under the plane and it wasn't long before the aircraft jolted as it touched the tarmac. Fast wind raced over the wings and the engines whirled as they worked to slow the plane down. A few moment later, the plane came to a steady speed and started to taxi to its gate.

Ciel shifted impatiently in his seat and turned his phone on to check the time. Each second seemed to crawl by and he jumped to his feet the moment the pilot turned off the seatbelt sign. He regretted it the next minute as he couldn't go anywhere in the crowded cabin and they had yet to let the passengers start to disembark.

After what felt like hours, the crowd started to thin and Ciel grabbed his bag. Quickly, he walked down the aisle and hurried off the plane. He muttered an apology to someone as he brushed past them and continued up the ramp without looking back. He didn't have to slow down, not when something else drove him forward.

He hurried through the terminal, searching for the nearest exit and practically bolting for the door when he found it. He bypassed the baggage claim and made his way to the car rental stand. He hated that he would have to rent a car, but Claude couldn't come pick him up and Ciel didn't want to bother him.

The man at the counter greeted him with a smile and Ciel forced one on his face. "I need to pick up a car," he said and passed the man his license. "Ciel Phantomhive."

"Ah yes, here we are," the man said. "I just need you to fill out some paperwork and it's all yours."

Ciel sighed at the papers but started to fill out the blanks. A necessary evil he supposed, but it didn't mean he liked it anymore. Especially not after a long flight when all he wanted was a hot shower and a bed. However, that would have to wait until after he saw Sebastian. After all, he didn't know how Sebastian...

He shook his head at the thought and forced his mind not to think about it or Sebastian. He couldn't let himself get distracted. It would only make things worse and he already found it hard enough to concentrate now. How he made it this far without any problems, Ciel didn't know. But he couldn't wait to get back to Sebastian's side again. He only hoped that everything worked out for the best in the end.

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