🌹Chapter 15: Opus 15🌹

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Blue eyes squinted against the bright sunlight that filled a cloudless sky. Ciel found it ironic in its ways that the day would look and feel so perfect when it really wasn't. He knew Sebastian's release was a cause for celebration and that the cheerful sky should mimic their feelings. But Ciel only felt a twinge of happiness at Sebastian's release.

Instead, concern and worry overshadowed the majority of his emotions and it made him glare at the sun. Where were the dismal clouds and rain that should match his mood?

He turned his attention back to Sebastian as they walked to Claude's car. Sebastian hadn't spoken much since finding out about Soot the other day and crimson eyes looked exhausted. Ciel didn't know how well Sebastian slept last night but judging by the dark marks under his eyes, he would have to say Sebastian barely slept.

Elizabeth had warned that while physically Sebastian was on his way to recovery; his mind would take a while longer to recover. He had experienced something traumatic and she urged them to offer their support as best they could.

Ciel frowned and his fingers brushed the seam of his pocket, feeling the stiff business card that rested there. Elizabeth had handed it to them before they left, telling them to call her mother if Sebastian struggled with anything.

He hoped it wouldn't come to that and that Sebastian would bounce back without problems. But somehow, Ciel had a feeling things wouldn't work out that easily. The mind was a fragile place at times. It spawned dreams as well as nightmares, and spoke encouraging words alongside destructive ones. It could heal just as easily as it could damage.

They reached the car and Sebastian carefully climbed inside. He hissed briefly as his sore ribs protested his actions and he ground his teeth together. "This is annoyingly frustrating," he said.

Claude chuckled. "All the more reason to lie in bed and do nothing all day."

"Boring," Sebastian muttered.

"I'll find a way to keep you entertained," Ciel quipped from the back.

Claude made a face. "I really didn't need to know that," he said.

Ciel's face burned despite the low laughter that left Sebastian. "Th-that's not what I meant," he stated.

"Sure, sure," Claude said, waving his hand lightly. "Just make sure you put something on the door so I know what's going on. I'd rather not walk into a scene like that."

"Claude," Ciel groaned and banged his head against the seat in front of him. He huffed and then smirked. "I don't know. Maybe I should leave the door wide open. Entice you to join us. I'm sure we can make it worth your while."

Claude blanched while Sebastian chortled as best as his ribs would allow him. "If I weren't driving right now, I'd cuff you upside the head for that," Claude muttered.

Ciel snickered but didn't push his luck. Although he had accomplished what he wanted and made Sebastian smile for a while. If only for a moment, Sebastian could forget his problems and just relax. Ciel didn't know how long it would last, but he would continue to try his best to keep a smile on Sebastian's face.

Silence draped itself over the car, comfortable and cool as they continued driving. The scenery flashed by and it amazed Ciel at how familiar it had started to become throughout his stay with Sebastian. The city had a certain draw to it; the landscape, architecture, and the atmosphere coaxed him in and made it hard for Ciel to want to leave.

He turned his attention to the front of the car and looked at Sebastian's face in the reflection of the rearview mirror. "Victoria said she wanted to stop by and see you," he said. "She might already be there since we left later than I originally told her."

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