🌹Chapter 11: Opus 11🌹

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The sun hid behind the morning clouds as Ciel stood outside the apartment building, hands stuffed into his pockets. He bounced impatiently on his feet, waiting for Claude's car to come into view. He barely slept any last night, knowing that he would get to see Sebastian the next day. At one point though, he must've fallen asleep as the loud slamming of a door jolted him awake.

A quick look at his phone showed two in the morning and Alois came stumbling into his room soon after. From out in the living room, Ciel could hear drunken laughter and he tried his best to ignore them. Eventually he fell asleep and woke up to his alarm clock a few hours later. Much to Ciel's chagrin, Claude had an early shift and Ciel stumbled out of the bed at six thirty.

He felt more awake as he waited for Claude, but Ciel knew the moment he sat down he would crash. A yawn escaped his lips and brought tears to the corners of his eyes. Ciel rubbed them away and then scrubbed at his face in an attempt to stay focused.

His eyes darted over his shoulder when a door opened and for a moment, he worried that someone had already woken up. But the person turned out to be someone walking their dog and he let out a sigh of relief. Ciel hadn't bothered to tell anyone he would leave for the day and a part of him doubted that Alois would even notice his absence.

Ciel turned his attention back to the parking lot and perked up when a cop car drove into the parking lot. He started forward and opened the door when it came to a stop.

"Morning, kid," Claude said as he slid into the car and slammed the door shut. "Couldn't even last a week without seeing your boyfriend?" he teased.

"I'm not even going to answer that," Ciel stated and eyed the coffee that sat in a cup holder. "So how did you get roped into picking me up? I have a feeling this is out of your way and the way Sebastian spoke, it sounded like you owed him a favor."

Claude pushed up his glasses. "Ah well, about that," he started. "A few years back, I commandeered Sebastian's phone for a few hours, switched around the ringtones, and then locked his phone. Of course, his mom came down for a visit that same day. For the rest of the day, his phone kept moaning and making perverse sounds. His mom thought it was hilarious but Sebastian always put his best forward when she was around. Suffice to say, that wasn't his best."

Ciel snickered. "I don't know what I should laugh at. The fact that you did that or the fact that his mom found it funny."

"Yes, well, Sebastian called in that favor," Claude stated and reached for his coffee. "Although, it's not like my little trick got him in trouble or anything with his mom. He was just embarrassed for a while."

"I can see why," Ciel said and silence settled in the car as Claude nursed his drink.

The rich smell filled the air and Ciel sucked in a deep breath. Hopefully Sebastian still had coffee left over; he would need some in a few hours. He already had plans to go back to sleep upon arriving at Sebastian's apartment. A few more hours of sleep wouldn't hurt and it would keep him from turning cranky later on in the day.

He watched the scenery rush by, the city growing larger as they approached it and Ciel leaned his head against the window. The tall buildings gleamed against the morning sun and many of the opaque windows reflected the bright rays. A stray cloud slipped in front of the sun, temporarily obscuring the beams and Ciel's eyes relaxed against the bright light.

Claude grunted as he set the cup of coffee into the cup holder. "TGIFT."

Ciel glanced at him, eyebrows furrowed. "Isn't it TGIF?"

Claude shook his head. "Usually. But today isn't Friday. Today is Thursday. So, TGIFT," he stated. "Thank God It's Friday Tomorrow."

"I don't think it works that way," Ciel muttered and turned to look out the window again. "Shouldn't it be TGTIF? Thank God Tomorrow is Friday?"

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