🌹Chapter 10: Opus 10🌹

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Impatient fingers drummed out a random rhythm on the surface of the counter. The scent of toast filled the kitchen, barely masking the smell of spilled alcohol in front of the refrigerator. The pieces of toast popped up and Ciel snatched them out of the toaster. With jerky movements that barely masked his anger, he spread some peanut butter on the slices and then carried the plate to the living room.

Sunlight shone brightly through the living room window and Ciel chanced another look at the clock. Eleven o' clock. He resisted the desire to groan and instead, perched on the armrest of a recliner as he ate. It bothered him that it was getting later in the day and he still hadn't done anything. He couldn't do anything.

Alois still slept in his bedroom, along with the remainder of his roommates. Ciel had quickly learned that no one woke up before noon if they could help it.

He rubbed a hand over his face and then pinched the bridge of his nose for added measures. He knew this would happen if he stayed with Alois. Ciel had hoped to spend time with just Alois. Not Alois plus his roommates. It made for a terrible combination and if anything, the dislike between them deepened.

Only two days had passed since Ciel left Sebastian's apartment to stay with Alois and already, Ciel could feel his patience running thin. He could handle going out and having fun. Be it exploring town or partying. However, what he couldn't take was the constant bar hopping every night.

He wanted to do other things, but after staying out all night partying, the last thing Alois wanted to do the next morning was leave the apartment. So far, they hadn't even ventured outside the apartment gates. They went to the pool yesterday afternoon, but even then, Ciel had to put up with Alois's friends.

Ciel licked a few drops of peanut butter off his fingers. He wondered what Sebastian was up to. Was he working on his composition or was he simply sitting on the couch with Soot?

A soft smile stretched across Ciel's lips at the thought. He could easily see Sebastian on the couch with Soot curled up in his lap. No doubt, her body vibrated from her purrs and Sebastian would have a hand somewhere on her back. Sebastian once confided that he liked the feel of Soot's fur against his fingers because of how soft it was. Especially compared to the plush texture of her paws and the coarse touch of her tongue. Soot provided a plethora of sensory feelings for Sebastian.

For a moment, Ciel debated calling Sebastian. He knew he was awake. Sebastian almost always woke before Ciel, something he blamed Soot for. Still, Ciel hesitated. He didn't want to disturb Sebastian if he was working on his composition.

Instead, he stood up and carried the dish back to the kitchen. He washed it and placed it in the dishwasher before cleaning up the mess he made. He pointedly refused to touch the rest of the filth in the kitchen. Honestly, Ciel didn't know how anyone could stand to live like this. He knew Alois's mother would skin him alive if she saw how he lived.

But the problem remained out of Ciel's hands. He couldn't exactly force Alois to clean his room and living area just because Ciel thought it dirty. He doubted that would put him on better terms with his roommates either.

Ciel grunted and looked at his phone, pondering what game he could play today. He had to do something to keep himself entertained while he waited for Alois to wake up. He supposed he could read but with how frustrated Ciel felt, he doubted he would remember anything.

He looked up as someone's door open and watched as Alois stumbled into the living room. "You're up early," he drawled, unable to keep the annoyance from creeping into his voice.

"Not by choice," Alois muttered and winced at the bright light that flooded the apartment. "My stomach woke me up. It didn't feel well."

"I'm not surprised," Ciel grumbled and turned his attention back to his phone.

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