🌹Chapter 16: Opus 16🌹

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Ciel absently stirred the contents in the pan, listening to the peppers sizzle and pop. The aroma filled the kitchen and wafted throughout the apartment, and he found it easy to focus on. The weekend had come and gone, and Ciel moved about it in a daze. Claude likened him to a zombie when he stopped by to visit Sunday evening and Ciel simply flicked him off.

He wholly blamed Johan for putting him in his current state and Ciel jabbed a piece of eggplant in his anger. It squished underneath the spatula and didn't come anywhere near relieving his annoyance.

He clicked his tongue and turned his attention to the pork, making sure it wasn't burning. With how scattered his thoughts were, Ciel didn't doubt that he had a few crispy pieces somewhere in the mix.

Try as he may, he couldn't shake Johan's words. Even with Sebastian reassuring him, Ciel couldn't forget them too easily and they plagued his thoughts throughout the day. Whenever the silence stretched a little too thin, they would come roaring back with the force of a freight train and they started a tiring chase throughout his mind.

Even at night, they kept him awake and Ciel could do nothing but stare at the ceiling. Often times, he would reach for Sebastian's hand only to pull back before he could touch. He had put Sebastian in his current state. One filled with pain and insecurity.

Despite their talk early Friday afternoon, Sebastian still had trouble relaxing. He jumped at sudden noises and occasionally, Ciel would find him staring in the direction of the kitchen. No doubt, replaying that night in his mind and remembering everything. His hands would tremble ever so slightly before Sebastian forced himself to look away.

Ciel took that as a good sign and made sure to keep Sebastian company whenever he could. Mey-rin helped at night when she returned from work and together, they all relearned how to live after the attack. Ciel had no doubt that Sebastian would make a full recovery, both physically and mentally. But he knew that the guilt he felt would never leave him.

It haunted him and crept like a shadow behind him. Whenever he turned, he could see it standing there, attached to his feet and grinning a gruesome grin. It reminded him that he bore the responsibility for the attack on Sebastian.

Despite the heat of the stove, Ciel shuddered and he stirred at the dish even more. The sauce had started to thicken and he waited a few more minutes before turning the heat off. Steam brushed against his face and Ciel waved it away. "I hope you haven't fallen back asleep," he called into the living room.

"You're making too much racket to sleep," Sebastian teased.

"I should let you go hungry tonight," Ciel retorted as he lifted the pan off the stove. He poured the mix over some rice, making sure to split it evenly between the bowls.

Sebastian laughed. "Very well, I'll concede." He paused. "For now."

"Hardy har har," Ciel drawled as he carried the bowls into the living room, but his lips quirked. He passed the bowl to Sebastian and took a seat next to him. "I should charge you for my services."

"Consider this payment for letting you stay with me for the month of June," Sebastian answered. "I never charged you any rent or food fees."

"Point," Ciel muttered and took a bite of rice.

They fell silent as they ate, silverware clinking lightly against the sides of the bowls. The noise joined in with the quiet melody that played from Sebastian's new speakers. Claude had dropped them off over the weekend and with their installment, Ciel felt that perhaps things could start working towards recovery.

Sebastian had taken to listening to his music more often throughout the day and Ciel took that as a good sign. The more Sebastian acted like his old self, the better. Ciel didn't want to see him slip back into the mindset of hating his blindness. He never wanted to see that side of Sebastian again.

✨Seeing in the Dark✨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora