Superhero...?| Mysterion x Male!Reader

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Y/n p.o.v
This place is kinda big..I guess?
*goes inside* (that's what he did)
Hmm I hope I make friends here. I mean I did this morning. Kenny. He is cute I guess.
Welp time to fall asleep........I can't sleep.
"Hmph" I HATE SLEEPING!! Ugh. I'll just close my eyelids......."ARGH"
*someone knocks on door*
WHATTT THE HECK!! Was that!!
*someone again knocks on the door.*
Umm I should go check.
*opens window*
"Hello?" I said and then a person came inside uninvited. "MO-" the figure then puts its hands on my mouth. "Mmm mph mmm mphm!" I tried saying but it came all muffled. "Hey hey I'm a good person... a superhero named mysterion!" He says. Superheroes aren't real! But he does look very attractive. Stop. "Why are you here?! Out of all of the places!!??" I said to him while still trying to get out of his grasp. "Oh sorry" he let's go of me. "Answer my question before I call the police." I said to him already heading to get my phone. "Woah woah woah woah. I'm sorry for intruding please don't call the police. I'm here becuase I heard you're new in town, and I wanted to introduce myself to you." He said in a raspier voice. "Oh. Well don't try to rape me then." I said to him in a serious tone. "Why would I?! Well it's nice to meet you...." "y/n. Y/n l/n." I said to him while he was heading out I grabbed his hood and pulled it off it was Kenny. "Kenny?!" I said to him in shock. "Hehehehehe BYE!!" He said while he kissed me on the cheek and ran outside. I instantly turn red. Welp Kenny it is. And then I fell asleep.

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