Nerds|Kyle x Reader!

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Your p.o.v
I started to look around and saw the groups, Stan's group, Craig's group, and bebes group. Why does everyone have a group, friends, and the happiest days!? While meanwhile I'm here just alone, depressed, and having the worst days... sigh. I was always the lonely kid, the nerd, the outsider, the outcast of everyone, the ugly one, and the most loneliest person on the world. Only a few kids didn't make fun of me , and we made small talk. Stan, Kyle, and Butters. They are the only ones who talked to me. I was good friends o with butters... but he his with Kenny mostly... They started recently dating.. Kyle and Stan are sdbfs so they usually hang out together... so basically I am the loneliest person.. sigh. I looked up and we were at school already. Sigh, a new day at school. I walked in and looked around. And looked at my seat and went to it. My seat is in the back of the room so no one can really see me. I sat down and took out my notebook and pencil, we were in math. I sigh and zoned out. I was just thinking random things. But then I saw a teen boy with red hair- Kyle!? He looked like he was in a tornado! He had dark circles under his eyes and puffy eyes. He looked like he cried a lot. I should ask him what's wrong. No no no, that's weird. I rarely talk to him anyways! So that's weird.....but I want to ask him. I'm going to ask him. After the class ended I catcher up to him. "Kyle are you ok? You look...well dead.." he hates me he wants me to go away he- "I just stayed up all night studying! It's fine! I'm fine! Am I fine?" Kyle said questioning himself at the end. "Kyle I willing to ditch to go fix you up..." I said quietly so he didn't hear but he heard clearly. "Well I guess.. but not all of them!" He said and started to get up yawning. "Ok I got the perfect place, just follow me." I said and stared to walk to the janitors room. The janitor never goes there during the day so it safe. We reached our destination and I went in but looked around if there was any teachers. I waited until Kyle went in and closed and locked the door. I pulled the little string and it turned a barely lit light bulb. " my hiding place?" I said while sitting myself down and Kyle following after. "It's pretty *yawn* good.." Kyle said tiredly. "If you want to sleep you can! I'll wait here" I said and smiled softly. "The floor isn't really soft here..." Kyle said and rubbed his eyes. "I can sleep in my lap..." I said and blushed lightly. "Are you sure...?" Kyle said with a tint of red on his cheeks. I nodded slowly. He then shifted himself to me and payed his head on my lap. I blushed even more. "So Kyle what were you studying for anywa-" he fell asleep already. I smiled softly and found my self sleeping as-well.
**-Time skip-**
I woke up to someone saying my name and shaking me. "Huh?" I slowly opened my eyes to see Kyle. "Dude! We slept through the whole day! It's 5:35 pm now!" He said panicking. "Kyle calm down." I said and went to him and rubbed his back. "I missed the test!" Kyle yelled. "Kyle there is retakes..." I said. That calmed him down. "Thank god!" He said. "Want to go to my house? To hang?" I said and he nodded in agreement. We walked outside silently and started to head to my house. "Did you sleep well?" I asked him to break the silence. "Yeah I actually did, way better than most nights.." he said and smiled softly. I smiled back. And sooner or later we arrived. I unlocked it and to my surprise my parents weren't home. "At least my parents aren't home." I said and started to walk up to my room. Kyle followed after. When we got there I jumped on my bed. "Ahhh that feels better." Kyle was just standing there awkwardly. "You could lay of the bed dude" I said and shifted so he had space. "Ok.." he said and laid softly on the bed. "This is a very comfortable bed y/n" he said looking at the ceiling. I smiled and said "I know right" we stayed there for a while when we found ourselves asleep again. When I woke up I saw my self in Kyles arms. I stared to blush a lot. He then stared to wake up from my movement and jumped and stared to blush as-well. "I'm so sorry!" Kyle said blushing redder. "It's ok!....I felt comfortable.." I said and blushed redder. "I kinda liked it too.." Kyle said. "Want to go out some time? You are a very nice and caring person y/n, you took care of me when I looked like crap! Thanks... would you like to go out some time then?.." Kyle said scratching the back of his neck. "Of course Kyle, I have always loved you..."

Sorry for not updating! Forgot to post the hiatus thing... welp thanks for reading!

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