Do I Love You?|Craig x Male!Reader pt1

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Sigh. Class is way to boring these days. Right now we are learning about human anatomy again and Mr.Garrison got a naked woman and male to show us human anatomy. I was disgusted but this was normal. I didn't pay attention at all until Mr.Garrison yelled out my name. "Y/n you're getting detention because your aren't listening! Now go....Craig you take him now!" Mr.Garrison yelled out and Craig and I got out of the room. "No one was paying attention but you made it too obvious." Craig said trying to start a conversation. "I wasn't making it too obvious! I was sitting up!" I responded but then he said. "With your eyes closed." Craig said and laughed. I made an irritated face. We were outside the principals door until he said "let's just ditch this and skip school today. If you don't want to get detention." Craig said walking to the door to outside already. "Wait! I'll go, but if we get in trouble I swear I'm going to kill you!" I yelled to him catching up to him. "We won't I swear." Craiga said, he grabbed my hand and ran to the outside doors. "Now are you just going to go home and get caught by your parents or go with me?" Craig said. I don't really talk to criag but I don't want my parents to know anything about me skipping school. "I'll go with you. Where are you going anyways?"  I said.
"To Starks pond,  just going to chill there."Craig said. He started to walk to Starks pond and I followed quietly behind. 'Why was Craig being so nice to me, he's usually very mean to everyone.' I thought to myself, 'this is confusing, but I can't lie he has a great ass and handsome face as well.' Then Craig stoped my train of thoughts. "We're here, and you're drooling." He said. I immediately blushed and looked away and respond with a quiet "ok.."

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