Big Time

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April 8th 2018

Today was the day of the biggest PPV event of the calendar year, Wrestlemania. Everybody was amped up and nervous. And could you blame them? Alex was visiting backstage to cheer on his friends.  He walked around and eventually bumped into Fergal, who was getting ready as he would open the main show in an Intercontinental Championship match with Mike (The Miz) and Colby (Seth Rollins)

Alex: You ready?

Fergal: Ready as I'll ever be.

Alex: You better be cause out there's gonna over 70 thousand Balor Club members cheering for you.

Fergal: It's big.

Alex: No kidding. 

Fergal: Hopefully, next year it'll be you against me. It'll be like in Japan when Suzuki-Gun warred with the Bullet Club.

Alex: The sooner, the better. 

Fergal: Yep. 

Meanwhile in catering

Rebecca: What do you mean he doesn't like you?

Ashley: We've known each other for a while and he hasn't tried to move onto me. Plus, he only sees me as a friend. He said it himself.

Rebecca: Are you sure or are you overanalyzing what he said? 

Ashley: Yes I'm sure.

Rebecca: Trust me. He does like you. 

Ashley: Then, why isn't he making a move.

Rebecca: Cause, he's shy and doesn't want to be turned down. If he is too shy to make the first move then you'll have to make it for him.

Ashley: How can I do that?

Rebecca: You just gonna confront him and take him.

Ashley: What! I can't. I can't just "take him".

Rebecca: Why? 

Ashley: Cause I... I'm scared.

Rebecca: But there is no reason to be. He wants you.

Cut back to Alex and Fergal

Alex: I want her. Her beautiful curves and her precious green eyes but most of all, her personality is amazing. It's like she's a rare gem. 

Fergal: You got it bad. 

Alex: I know. 

Fergal: Why don't you tell her how you feel. 

Alex: Because... I'm scared of what will happen.

Fergal: What do you think will happen?

Alex: I'm scared that she'll reject me and won't want to be near me.

(2⚔️) A Queen's Knight (Charlotte Flair X OC ) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now