Never Let Go

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Warning: The following chapter will include SEXUAL content. If you do not want to read such material, YOU MAY MOVE ONTO THE NEXT CHAPTER. You have been warned.

It has been nearly a week since the incident with the leaked footage of  Alex and Amanda. Since then, Alex has not been in contact with anyone for the past week. He asked for a one week personal leave and he was granted it. He spent his time in solitude and he worked out by himself. He wanted to see Ashley again but his fear is that she moved on with her life and didn't want to open old scars. Meanwhile, Ashley was becoming more and more depressed as she as the most important person in her life disappeared. She knew that Alex wasn't the type to cheat but the back of her mind told her otherwise.

August 6th, 2018 - Savannah, Georgia

Today was Ashley's first live event without Alex. She still felt depressed but conjured a smile to hide it. She had finished her match and was in the locker room changing. Just as she finished, Rebecca came in.

Rebecca: How are you holding in there?

Ashley: Okay I guess.... I just miss him. 

Rebecca: I can tell. I know Alex as if he was my brother and he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. 

Ashley: Yeah... I didn't think he would but when you showed me that video, I didn't know what to think... Alex was one of the best things on my life and he gave me new hope in my life. He was so caring and loving towards and I just wish he would be here with me. I don't want to lose my Alex.

Just as she finished her sentence, Daria (Sonya Deville) slowly opened the door.

Daria: Is it alright that I come in?

Rebecca: Yeah, come in. 

Daria: Are you okay, Ashley?

Ashley: Just trying to hang in there. 

Daria: Ah... There's actually something I need to tell you guys.

Rebecca: What is it?

Daria: The video that went around... I actually recorded it. Amanda told me it was for a storyline but now I see she lied. Amanda trimmed the video to make it look like Alex didn't resisted but he did. I have the entire thing on my phone.

Daria got her phone and hand it over to Ashley to watch the full video. Ashley saw the event and one line stuck out to her. 

Alex in the video: Wow... that tells me a lot about yourself. What me and Ashley have is special and I don't want other woman in my life. I love Ashley.

The video ended and Rebecca gave Daria's phone back.

Ashley: Oh Alex... I love you too. 

Rebecca: I knew it! Alex didn't cheat on you!

Ashley: I got to find Alex.

Daria: That might be a problem. No one has seen him since last Tuesday.

Suddenly, Rebecca's phone began to ring as Fergal was calling her. 

Rebecca: Fergal?

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