Mixed Match Challenge

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Warning: The following chapter will include SEXUAL content. If you do not want to read such material, YOU MAY MOVE ONTO THE NEXT CHAPTER. You have been warned.

Week 9 - October 23, 2018

The Royal Aces climbed to the table of the Smackdown Live table and were at first place with 3 wins and 0 losses. They were able to defeat every team with ease. Today was their last match before the quarterfinals. The Royal Aces were scheduled to face Ravishing Rusev Day. 

The two teams stood across from each other in the ring. A bit of trash talk came from both sides. They continued this loop until Rusev proposed a chop off between each side. Charlotte and Helios looked at each other, hesitant at the idea. Suddenly, Lana chopped Charlotte from out of nowhere. Charlotte's surprise was evident on her facial expression. 

Charlotte: Oh really, you think that's funny? Give me your chest!

Lana prepare herself as Charlotte winded up for her chop. Lana hollered in pain as she held her chest. Then, it was Rusev's turn. Helios held out his arms, waiting for Rusev's chop. Helios barely reacted and shrugged it off. Helios rubbed his hands and took his first chop. Rusev winced a bit but mostly remained un phased. Near the end of the chop off, Lana licked her palms to make her chops more painful but it didn't work as she tried to do multiple chops. Rusev had pull Lana away as she repeated hit Charlotte's chest.  Helios was waiting for Rusev to take his best shot. Despite his chest having a red hue, he remained unfazed. Rusev inflicted an even harder chop that echoed throughout the arena. Helios leaned back from the force but remained on his feet. To Rusev's suprise, Helios laughed right in front of him. 

Helios: Come on, is that your best? Hit me again!

The fact that Rusev's slaps are not affecting Helios should not be a surprise. His toughness comes from his time in Suzuki-Gun, as he was Minoru Suzuki's second in command. The Bulgarian kept slapping him but no matter what, Helios stayed on his feet as his chest glowed red. Rusev became frustrated and stopped chopping Helios. He proposed another proposition.

Rusev: I bet you can't do this!

Then, Lana and Rusev held each others' cheeks and kissed. They held the kiss for 5 seconds before releasing. They smiled as they knew they wouldn't kiss each... or so they thought. Charlotte and Helios look at each other and smiled. They both had the same idea on their minds. Then, Charlotte placed her right hand on his chest and Helios wrapped his arm around his waist. They both kissed as the crowd ooh'd and to the dismay of Lana and Rusev. The Bulgarian couple tried to attack the Royal Aces but they dodged and dropkicked their respective counterparts. Rusev and Lana fell out of the ring. 

10 Minutes Later

Rusev was able to change the circumstances for his team's favor. He had Helios on position for a Machka Kick. His opponent kneeled on one knee and slowly got up to his feet. Rusev rushed him, making contact with his foot and Helios' face. As Rusev pinned Helios, only making to a two count as Charlotte ran in to break the pin. Lana came in to rush Charlotte but the Ravishing Russian was thrown to the outside. As Rusev was distracted, Helios did a Penalty Kick to Rusev's calf. The Bulgarian was on one knee and Helios finished him off with a Shining Wizard. Helios managed to get the three count and the Royal Aces were advancing to the next round. 

Week 11 (Quarterfinals Pt 2) - November 6, 2018 - 10:21

(2⚔️) A Queen's Knight (Charlotte Flair X OC ) [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें