Mission: Captain Iron

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"Are you sure about this Peter??" Bruce asked as he, the teen, Bucky, Natasha and Clint were sat in kids bedroom "absolutely!! Have you guys really not seen the way those two look at one another??". Right now, Peter had called them to his room where he told them about his plan to somehow get Steve and Tony to realised their feeling for one another. "The kid has a point, Tony stopped sleeping around when Steve showed up" Natasha stated, followed by Clint "and Steve had never got with anyone since joining the Avengers, aka since meeting Tony". Bucky turned to the sixteen year old "so Peter, what's the plan??" he asked, all attention returning to him "at 1 O clock, Tony will have a 'meeting' at that restaurants both of them like" Clint butted in "what if he doesn't believe it?? Or cancels the meeting??" the kid smirked "JARVIS will remind him, and if that doesn't work, I'll sent in Pepper" now that would work. It was Natasha's turn to but in now "and what about Steve??" Peter continued with the plan "I'm gonna tell him that there's a surprise for him, so he needs to dress smart and then Bucky and Nat will drive him to the restaurant" he explained "it won't take much convincing". Since it was 11:30, JARVIS was already informing the billionaire - who was in his lab - that he had a meeting in an hour and a half; he man groaned "have Pepper or Peter deal with it" was all he said "sorry boss, but this meeting is seriously important which you must attend". Tony rolled his eyes as he dropped the tool that was in his hand "how important?? And what's it about??" he asked as he cleaned his filthy hands with a near by cloth "extremely sir, and I do not know". Thinking about it for a moment, Tony sighed and shockingly agreed, making his way into the lift and entering the common room; he wanted to get a drink of coffee first. They others greeted him as he passed "oh Peter, be ready for 1 O clock in your best suit, I have a meeting and want you to tag along" he called as he prepared himself the hot drink. Peter's eyes widened as he shared a look with the others "err...actually Tony, I'm not feeling too good" the teen stated "I think it's best I em...I pass on this one" Tony raised a brow as he approached the kid. He felt the boys forehead and cheeks "you've not got a temperature....are you sure??" he asked; Bruce thankfully spoke up "the kid...fainted earlier Tony, I say he stays at home, at least just for today". Since Bruce was the medical guy, the billionaire nodded and agreed, although he felt something was...off; Tony finished his drink as quick as usual before leaving for his room to get ready. He took a shower and changed into his best suit, brushed his hair and styled it; he made sure his phone, wallet full of cash and his signature sunglasses. Entering the common room, Tony said goodbye to the group, saying he needed to spoke by Pepper's office before going to the meeting. The billionaire jumped into one of his cars and raced out of the garage.

As soon as Tony left, Peter hurried into the lift and into the gym where Steve was in the middle of his usual work out "hey Pete, what's up??" the man asked as he took a sip of water "hey Steve, not much, any chance you can be ready in half an hour??" he asked earning a nod "yeah, why??". Peter explained that it was a surprise "hmm...okay, I'll go get ready, what's the dress code??" the superhero asked as they both entered the lift "smart, so wear your best suit" Peter smiled "a suit?? One like Tony wears??" the man asked earning a half nod "em....actually, I'll pick your outfit". They both entered Steve's bedroom where the man went straight to the bathroom to shower; Peter went through his wardrobe before picking out a smart outfit, black trousers, a white shirt, black shoes and his black jacket. The teen left the clothes on the bed before leaving the room so the man could have his privacy; he entered the common room "he's getting ready" he informed. Peter pulled out his phone and dialled the restaurants number "hi....yes please....1 O clock??...Great!!...well you see two men will be going but neither will know the other is attending, if that makes any since....oh really?!...Okay, so it's doable??....Stark and Rogers....thank you so much...okay, bye" and then he hung up "okay, that's that done, turns out I'm not the first to do this type of thing". After ten minutes, Steve entered the room in his chosen outfit "nice pick kid" Thor smirked; Steve asked where he was meant to go "Nat and Bucky will be taking you to the surprise" Peter explained. The three superheroes entered the garage before picking out a nice car "did Tony say you could borrow one of his cars??" Steve asked with a smirk. They drove off and after two minutes, Peter, Thor, Bruce and Clint raced down, jumped into a car and sped out to follow them. After ten minutes, Natasha pulled up outside of the restaurant "here we are" Bucky stated "just give them the name Rogers and you'll be fine" Steve raised a brow "you guys...aren't coming with??" he asked confused; they shook their heads "nope, now get out" the woman ordered. Steve did as told and watched them drive off - he didn't see them pull in behind the building with the others - before entering the building; he gave his name to the woman at the door who smiled and showed him to the table in the back. What the man wasn't expecting was to see Tony Stark sat there, looking at his phone.

"Tony??" the billionaire's head shot up when he heard the familiar voice "Cap?!" his cheeks then turned a tad pink as he saw what the man was wearing; he looked hot!! As usual of course. "What are you doing here??" they both asked at the exact same moment, making them both laugh "you first" Steve offered; the billionaire nodded "I'm here for a meeting...well I was but whoever I'm meeting hasn't turned up" he sighed "you??". Now it was Steve's turn "Peter told me that there was some surprise for me here, he even made me get dressed up". Thankfully, the waiter walked over to the two men with a smile before handing them a phone "a message for the both of you" was all he said before leaving; with raised brows, they listened to the message. "Hi Tony, hi Steve" it was clearly Peter which made them both share a look of confusion "I'm sure you're both really confused at this point so let me explain" they listened closely "Tony, you don't have a business meeting, it was a lie, and Steve, your surprise is a date" both eyes widened. "This whole this was a set up, and the others were in on it of course" you could just hear the smirk on the boys face "the truth is, you both have incredible crushes on one another but don't know it, you're both bloody blind!!" he exclaimed "now, have fun love birds" and that was the end of the message. The two men shared a look before looking down, their cheeks heating up terribly. "Em....well" Tony didn't know what to say "is...is what Pete said true??...About you...liking me??" Steve asked, finally looking up. Tony mentally cursed as he knew he couldn't lie to that face "I..." the blonde man smiled "ha...I'll take that as a yes". The billionaire ran a hand through his hair "what about you?? The kid said we had crushes on one another" he asked, making the other smirk "...yeah...Peter spoke the truth". They stared at one another before being interrupted by the waiter who was asking what they wanted; the two still blushing men shared a gaze before smiling "I'll take a spaghetti pasta, and he'll take the cheese burger" Steve ordered, knowing their usual favourites". They sat down and began to talk, asking how long they had had this 'crush'. What neither knew what that Peter, Bucky, Bruce, Natasha, Clint and Thor were all sat at a table on the other side of the room, secretly watching with smiles.....as well as eating; the teen was using his super hearing before focusing on the others "I call this a successful mission" he stated. Bucky looked over and smirked "definitely". Confused by the mans smirk and tone, they all looked over to see.....the two men kissing!! "I just realised...we have to get used to seeing this...a lot" Clint stated, dread appearing over his face, making the others laugh "it's not far different from Peter and Wade" Nat stated, making the sixteen year olds cheeks turn a shade of pink.

Later that evening, when the stalkers had left the couple be, Steve and Tony returned to the tower, both smiling; they entered the common room to see everyone but the teen they wanted to talk to. "Hye guys, had a good day??" Bucky asked with a smirk "it's been great thanks" Steve stated "where's Peter??" Tony asked, looking around the room "he's in his room doing some school work" Thor informed, followed by Clint jokingly saying "nerd". Bruce spoke up "you're gonna go talking to him??" he asked earning two nods "take it easy on him, I think he's a little bit worried you're mad or annoyed with him for doing all of this" he explained; the couple shared a look before entering the lift. Tony knocked on the teens door "it's open!!" they entered; Steve closed the door behind him. Peter was sat on his bed, reading a science book, as well as making notes "hey kid" the billionaire greeted; the teens head shot up. "Relax Pete, we're not mad with you, or anoid" Steve reassured as they sat near him; Tony took over "quite the opposite actually, we wanted to thank you". This earned them a raised brow which made the two men chuckle "if it weren't for you and setting this whle thing up, we would have never realised that we...liked each other" he blushed making the teen laugh "well...you're welcome" he smiled "...I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't with Wade, he makes me really happy in a way that no one else can make me" he explained "I want that for you two". The two men hugged the kid and kissed his forehead "em....does this mean Steve is my other legal guardian??" Peter asked, it only just coming to mind "err...if you want kid" Tony stated, turning to his boyfriend "I'll always be here for you Pete, no matter what, and if you want to call it that then go for it" Steve reassured with a smile. JARVIS broke up the cute moment to inform the sixteen year old that it was time for patrol "stay safe kid, call if you need back up" Tony reminded before they left, allowing Peter some privacy to change into his suit "always am!!".

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