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22| Calum

As soon as Luke was gone I pitched myself out of bed

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As soon as Luke was gone I pitched myself out of bed.

I unplugged the machines from the wall before yanking out the IV and unclipping the heart monitor from my finger. Whoever thought hospital gowns—especially ones tied in the back where your ass is hanging out—were a brilliant idea needed to be punched.

My clothes, folded on a table nearby, were filthy. So what else was new? I'd have to ditch them and get some new ones somewhere. Somehow.

I rushed to pull them on. My limbs still weren't cooperating like I wanted them to. They moved at the speed of death. Hypothermia, was it? Whatever it was, my body needed to get over it.

My room was on the first floor. Thank the stars for small favors. I pocketed my phone, yanked on my shoes, and pried open the window. I slung my legs outside and dropped to the brush and grass below. Got the hell out of there before the monitors alerted the nurse's station. Or before the cops showed up.

If they thought I was going to lie around while the police came in and handcuffed me to the bed like a common criminal, they had another thing coming.

They don't know. They don't understand. And how could they?

There is no happy ending after this.

I wish Luke and Ashton had believed me when I tried to tell them that. It would've made this a lot easier.

The stars are out. Bright and beautiful.

I wish Luke were here to see them with me. Draco is the brightest, but he never believes me when I say that. I had an amazing view of the stars from the island. Although I'd only intended to be there for awhile, the longer I sat...the more I thought I could have stayed there and watched the stars through a broken window until the cold overcame me.

Obviously, Luke had other ideas.

I pick a direction and run. Pretty sure this road will eventually lead me to the freeway. What a nice word. Freeway. Go this way, and you shall be free. This is the way of the free. I hope that's true, because freedom sounds pretty nice.

Not as nice as going home to the Hemmings. But what could ever be nicer than that?

It's not that I'm afraid to stick around. It's not like there's anything on that camera they shouldn't see.

You were going to leave me here

It's not like Luke wouldn't understand. After everything Dad has done, after everything Mom failed to do—

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