Chapter 1

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My name is John Cena and I am in love with one of the best WWE divas of all time. No it’s not Kelly, Kelly her name is Becca Lynn she is the most beautiful talented diva I have ever met. When you show her a new move she picks it up in seconds. She is my best friend. Right now we are training so we can get ready for the Money In The Bank. Becca has a match for the divas title.

“Alright Becca grab me by my neck and throw me over your shoulders.”

“You sure I won’t hurt you?”

“Yes now do it.”

“Okay bossy pants.”

I stick my tongue out at her, when I did that she grabbed me by the neck and threw me over her shoulder just like I told her too. Like I said before she can pick up moves so fast, she is so talented.

“You did it, I told you; you wouldn’t hurt me.”

“So you were right let’s give John know it all a cookie.”

“Ha-ha very funny.”

“I thought it was.”

“Okay I was a little funny.”

“Ha I told you.”

Becca has a jokester side to her and I love every bit of it. She is a great person and I love her. She is a great friend and a great partner in any kind of match I have.

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