Chapter 4

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Its Monday night Raw and I last night I won the Money in the bank. So Becca and I celebrated almost all night. Tonight Becca don’t have a match but she still has to appear onscreen. I have to talk tonight but no match as far as I know. Becca said that she had a surprise for me tonight, but won’t tell me what it is. Speaking of Becca where on the earth is she. I haven’t seen her since we arrived at the arena.  I am walking around the arena trying to find her. I go to walk around a corner when I hear her laugh the laugh that I love. I peek around the corner and see her talking to The Miz and she is laughing and flirting with him. He is flirting right back with her. I catch a little bit of their conversation.

“Hey Becca would you like to go out sometime I mean on a date?” Mike asked Becca

“Yeah sure that would be great.” Becca answers Mike.

“Awesome see you then.” Mike says and leaves and I have to make myself known. I walked out from behind the walk and acted like I knew nothing.

“Hey John.”

“Hey Becca I have been looking everywhere for you.”

“Well I have been right here.”


“Yeah. You ready for tonight?”

“Yeah I want to know what my surprise is.”

“You won’t find out until it’s time.”

“Oh come on Becca tell me.”

“Becca you are need on stage.” The stage hand tells Becca.

“Okay be there in a minute.”

“Look just watch my segment and you will get your surprise.”

“Okay I’ll be watching very closely.

“Good you will love this.” Said Becca as she left to go get on stage.

Becca’s surprise to me.

Becca’s music started to play and then she walked out. Instead of her flipping over the ropes she took the stairs. She got into the ring she walked around showing of her new title she just won off. She went and got a microphone. She held a finger up to her mouth to get people to quiet down and shock as it may sound they did.

“The New Divas Champ is here! You are probably wandering why I am out here well, I have a little something for my best friend John Cena as everybody may know he won the Money in the Back match last night. I am so happy for him. Anyways back the reason I am out here. I have something special for John and I have a guest here to help me, I would like to induce John’s cousin Tha Trademarc.”

“What the…….?” Trademarc came out and went to the ring with Becca.

“What’d up Becca? I am so pumped to be here!”

“You should be. Because we have a special gift for John.””

“John I hope you are watching.”

“Oh he better be……” that’s it I can’t take it anymore.

“Hey what are you two doing?”

“Look Trademarc its Mr. impatient.”

“You couldn’t wait a few more minutes could you?”

“No I couldn’t now why are you here Trademarc?”

“I am here to help Becca out.”

“What does she need help with?”

“Well John if you must know my gift isn’t just for you it’s for the whole WWE Universe.”

“What is it?”

“If you must know here it is.” Becca pointed to the screen and a video started to play. It was her singing and raping with Trademarc. There pictures of me and her in it.  I was in Awe. At the end of it, it showed that she was coming out with a cd that looked just like mine.

“The release date is eight nine two-thousand-twelve. Go out and get it.”

Wow she is following in my footsteps.

Over YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ