Chapter 5

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Monday Night Raw is over. Becca and I are taking Trademarc to the airport. I am I complete shock that Becca is coming out with her own album. I didn’t even know she could sing or even rap. She is so talented I can’t believe it. Becca is a great girl for me. But I still can’t believe she is going on a date with Mike “The Miz”. I mean c’mon he is going to dump her like last night’s dinner. They have nothing in common. Becca and I have so much in common. Becca needs to face fact that she is not good for The Miz. I mean he is an ass to everybody including the fans of the WWE. What on earth can those two have in common? Nothing that is what. I have got to say something to Becca before she goes on this date and ruins her life. She needs to know how I feel about her. I feel that I should protect her from dip shits like The Miz. I am so angry but I am not going to show it. We are at the airport and Becca is telling Trademarc goodbye they have been hugging for some time now.  I say goodbye to Trademarc. Now Becca and I are on our way to the hotel. Once we get to the hotel I will tell Becca that I know about her date with The Miz.  I have to tell her that I feel protective over here. She is so breakable and can break so easily. We are back at the hotel and we are in our room. Becca is sitting at the desk brushing her long reddish brown hair. Oh god I love her so much.

“So Becca who were you talking to before I found you?”

 “Nobody why do you ask?”  She just lied to my face. I feel so hurt right now.

“Because just before I came around the corner I heard you talking to someone.”

“Oh that was Mike.” At least she didn’t lie this time.

“Why did hear right you and him are going on a date?”

“Yeah we are. What’s it to you John?”

“Because he is game player he will break your heart at the first chance he can get.”

“John you don’t know that.”

“I don’t know that I have known the man since I came into this company and every girl he has dated he has broken their hearts and their spirits.”

“John why do you care it’s not like we are dating or anything we are just best friends nothing more. You are starting to sound jealous.”

“Me jealous John Cena jealous never.”

“You really sound jealous John.”

“I am not jealous okay.”

“Whatever you keep your feelings to yourself and I will keep my love to myself. Deal?”

‘No deal, I feel as your best friend I have to protect you from low lives as The Miz. I don’t want to see you hurt Becca you mean so much to me. I would hate to see you cry because someone broke your heart.”

“John I am a big girl I can take care of myself. Nobody is going to hurt me and if they did I know that you will be there to beat them up for me.”

“Yeah I would probably kill them if they hurt you.”

“What is so important about me John?!”

“Becca you are the only girl I have been close to be sides my own mother! That is why you are so important.”

“John there is nothing special about me, please for the sake of our friendship drop the subject!”

“NO! I will not drop it you don’t need to date someone who doesn’t love you!”

“John who said anything about love I never did!”

“How do you know that Mike will date and not have a one night stand with you?! I have the right mind right now to go over there and beat the living shit out of him.”

“John please, please don’t!” why is she crying is she hiding her feelings for me just like I am for her.

“Becca please stop crying.” She just looks at me and grabs the car keys and runs out of the hotel room crying. What have I done? I have to do something to get her back here before she hurts herself.

Third person’s view

Becca ran out of the hotel crying her eyes out. She hoped into the mustang that she and John were renting. She started the car up and pulled out of the parking spot. She looked in her rearview mirror to see John trying to catch her. She put her eyes back on the road she stopped. She turned on to the main road and drove not looking back. she came up on a red light she stopped and then the light turn green, but what Becca didn’t know is that a eighteen wheeler had just lost its breaks and couldn’t stop at the red light it hit her from the left side killing her on impact. Nobody knows that is gone not even John what will John do when he finds out that his best friend was just killed in a car accident.

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