Chapter 2

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Tonight is Monday night Raw. Becca and I have a match against Daniel Bryan and AJ Lee. Becca should be getting ready right now. Right now I am hanging out with Randy and Alex. Bored out of my damn mind.

“Hey John when are you going to tell Becca how feel about her?” Randy asks me.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I ask Randy.

“I am talking about the fact that you love Becca and you still haven’t told her.”  Randy tells me.

“Randy I will tell her when I feel it is the right time to tell her.” I tell Randy.

“Whatever man it’s your love life not mine.” Randy says to me.

“John you know Randy is right you should tell her.” Alex says to me.

“You know what guys I will tell her when I feel like it.” Say to the both of them. I walk out of the locker room and head towards Becca’s locker room. When I get there I knock on the door. She answers it in no time I go in and sit on the couch next to her.

“So are you ready for the match tonight?”

“Yeah I am ready to kick that crazy bitches ass!”

“That’s my girl.”

“John Cena and Becca Lynn to the stage!”  A stage hand yells.

“Come on it’s time for our match.”  Becca gets up and heads for the door. I followed her out of her locker room we headed to the stage. We get there and our music hits and we walk out and everybody went crazy for us. We walked down to the ring together; Becca did her thing which is flipping over the ropes of the ring.  Daniel and AJ came out. Becca was glaring at AJ; she hates her with a passion.


Becca and AJ started it out. Becca tackled AJ to the mat and started to beat her in the face. Becca picked her up by her hair flung her across the ring. Becca got AJ in the S.T.F.U.  AJ got out of it, which pissed Becca off more she attacked her more. Becca stomped on and flung her around like she is a rag doll. Becca finally got tired and tagged me in. Daniel and I went around the ring and then I kicked him and put him in the S.T.F.U. He tapped out in no time.

~~~~~End of Match~~~~

Becca and I did we beat them nothing make this any better than her being my girlfriend but she is not which sucks.

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