Chapter 6

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Third Person Point of View

John has no idea that Becca is gone. I fact the last person she called was Randy the night of the accident. While they were at Raw you see Randy has been suspended so he doesn’t even know not yet anyways.

Randy’s Pov

I am at home with my wonderful wife Sam and my most beautiful daughter Alanna. I am sitting in my office answering emails. When I heard Sam scream from the living room. I jump up as quick I can to get to my wife.

“Sam! Sam! What’s the matter?”

“She is gone! Randy she’s gone!”

“Sam who is gone? Is Alanna okay?”

“Randy it…. Its Becca she is gone.”

“No! No! She is not she is with John!”

“No Randy she was just killed in a car crash she is gone.”

“No! NO! NO!!!!!! She can’t be, she just can’t be!”

“I am afraid she is gone.” I couldn’t say anything I just dropped to my knees and start to cry.

 Triple H’s Pov

I am at home with Stephanie and my girls. Steph is working on the computer for Raw’s one thousand episode. I am messing on my phone when I get a phone call from my father-in-law Vice McMahon.

“Hey Vince what’s up?”

“Paul I have some bad news I need you to get Stephanie please.”

“Okay.” Steph your dads on the phone and wants to speak to us both it’s something to do with bad news.”

“Okay I’m coming!” she walks into the room and sits down next to me I put my phone on speaker.

“Okay were both here what’s the bad news?”

“Well this regards one of the divas. Becca Lynn is gone she was killed in car accident just after Raw tonight.”

“Oh my god!” was all my wife could say before she started to cry her eyes out. I just hung up on Vince I didn’t realize that I was crying as well.

CM Punk’s Pov

I am sitting in my hotel room relaxing after brutal match against The Big Show tonight. I am flipping through the TV channels when I come up on the local news. They are talking about a car crash that the driver of the vehicle was killed the eighteen wheeler driver wasn’t harmed. I didn’t think much of it until they said the driver who was killed.

“The driver in car that was killed was none other than Becca Lynn the WWE divas champion. She was here for a raw showing. We don’t have all the details but we will keep up to date on this as we get it.

No, no she can’t be gone they have to be wrong. I got up really quick and left my room and went to hers and John’s room. I knocked until John answered the door.

“John where is Becca?”

“She’s not here she went out.”

“Damn it!”

“John, I and you need to have a talk.”

“Why Phil what is going on?”

“John please let me inside so we can talk.”

“Okay but I still don’t know what is going on?” John let me into his room I could still smell Becca’s body spray her favorite is Cotton Candy.

“John please sit down.” John sat down like I told him to.

“John I don’t know how to tell you this but…..But Becca is gone she was killed in car crash just up the road here.” John said nothing he just looked at the floor not looking up at me.

John’s Pov

Phil just told me my best friend is dead. Never coming back her to me. What have I done? This can’t be true. She can’t be gone. It wasn’t her time to go yet. She was too good to be gone from this earth. She just can’t be gone from here. Not her, why her why is it always the ones you love the most. I loved her so much I guess it wasn’t enough love to keep her on this earth. Why take her away from me, why god she was one true love. Why does life have to be so hard? Why couldn’t she just stay just a little bit longer just for me? But no she has got taken away from me when I need her the most. I should have stopped her before she left but I let her run out of the hotel room. I’m so stupid.  Why Becca why did you have to leave me. I loved you so much. I didn’t realize but I was crying over a girl. Not any girl but the girl loved and never got to tell her just how I felt about her. I will never get to tell her how I feel about her. She will never know how much I loved her. She was a great friend and now she gone away from me.

But you went away,

How dare you?

I miss you,

They say I’ll be okay,

But I’m not going to ever get Over You.

Over YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin