Chapter 3

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Three Weeks later

Tonight is Money in the Bank and I am more than ready for my match tonight. But I am not too sure about Becca she is acting like she is nerves about her match against Layla for the divas title. She shouldn’t be so nerves but she is and she is starting to worry me.

“Becca would calm down please you are making me nerves.”

“John I can’t calm down. I am freaking out.”

“You will do fine in your match tonight.”

“Yeah but Layla is so good in the ring she can kick my butt.”

“But you are amazing in the ring Becca you have to see that. Why do you think got a title shot?”

“Out of luck is why I got the title shot.”

“No Becca it is not out of luck it’s because you talented, that is why you got the title shot tonight.”

“John I am not as talented as you, there is no way I deserve a title shot.”

“You don’t see yourself very clearly.”

“I see myself fine John.”

“Okay, okay.”

“Becca Lynn to the Stage!”

“I have to go John wish me luck.”

“You don’t need luck Becca. But good luck anyways.”

“Thanks John.” She walked out.  

~~~~Becca’s Match~~~~

Layla’s music hits and she walks out and gets into the ring. Becca’s music hit and she walked out she did her thing up on the stage. She walks down to the ring and get up on apron and flips over the ropes and lands in the ring. Becca takes her cover up off to revel attire that looks like my shirt I wear to the ring.  The bell rings the match starts and Becca takes charge first and gets Layla in a head lock, Layla twists out of it and kicks Becca in the back. Becca hits the mat the camera crew gets a close up on her face and she is pissed off now. Layla goes to pick her up by her hair but Becca flips over and kicks Layla away from her. Becca gets back up from the mat and stomps over to Layla and grabs her by the hair and pick her up and starts to punch her in the face. Becca gets up and walks to the middle of ring for Layla to get up. While Layla slowly gets up Becca runs at her and spears her right back to the mat. Becca gets up and drags Layla to middle of the ring and puts her in the S.T.F.U. Layla taps out in no time Becca gets up and jumps up and down, they hand her the title and she hugs it and they zoom in on her face she is crying she gets up on the ropes and hold the title over head in pride. The camera cuts off and shows a video for the next match which is Smackdowns Money in the Bank.

~~~~End of the Match~~~

Becca comes back stage so happy. She walks over to me.

“I did I did John I really did it!”

“I knew you could do it.”

“I didn’t think I could do it.”

“But you did do it.”

“I am so proud of you.”

“Thanks John.”


“I’m going to go take a shower.”

“Okay see after my match.” Becca left to take her shower; match was up next I hope to god I win so I and Becca can celebrate together. Man I have got to tell her that I love her soon, before I lose my mind.

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