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Here is something different.
Here is me stepping into your shoes.
Here is me taking a peek through the curtains of your soul.

Here is me being born into a life I do or don't want to have.
Here is me growing up through happiness, good times, bad times,
heartache, pain, and struggles.

Here is me getting through it all.

Here is me still breathing.
Here is me staring at my ceiling.
Here is me with tears rushing down my face in the dead of night.
Here is me waiting.

Here is me smiling.
It may be real, it may not be.
Here is me after I fall.
Either physically, in love,
or off the edge.

Here is me getting up,
here is me letting my heart dance,
and here is me holding on.

Here is me when my thoughts
put me at war with myself.

Here is me losing the battle.
Here is me getting consumed.
Here is me giving in like
a house of cards.

But here is me winning the war.
Here is me pushing back.
Here is me building myself
back up like an
impenetrable tower.

Whether I stay up or crumble is unknown.
Whether I keep peace with my thoughts or fall back into war,
is up to me.
Whether I defy the tears that stain my cheeks, or turn them into scars is my final choice.
Whether I ignore and tolerate the painful words, blows, touches, bruises, and loss to grow stronger is up to me.

So many decisions lying at my feet.
So many paths I can take.
So many wrong moves I can make.

But I know that through it all, you are strong, beautiful, courageous, and a force not to be reckoned with.
I know through all the pain, all the scars, all the self hate, all the love, it is a blessing for you to be you.

And it is a blessing for you to be on this earth. Thank you, for continuing to try, no matter how hard it gets. That in itself, is strength unimaginable, beautiful.

Here is to you.

Bloody Fingers, Broken MindWhere stories live. Discover now