TWO - Are You Calling Me A Pimple?

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It's kind of weird that I fing Gregg Sulkin so damn hot, considering he was a Disney star, but seriously, he's breathtaking. I picture him as Black, only a little taller.


When Clarissa was done changing, fixing her hair, doing her makeup, she came to help me with mine.

She looked so beautiful in a bottle green dress that really made her copper hair shine. Her makeup was simple creme colours, and her hair was in a braided style. Clarissa never did anything half-assed, especially when it came to her appearance. She always looked like she spent hours galore on her look, when in reality, it was more like 50 minutes.

Her motto was: 'Why waste a perfectly good reason to wear a beautiful dress?'

My motto: 'Hurry up, let's get this over with.'

As soon as she saw me, she gave me a hopeless smile. "Really, Delphine, do you ever try?" She asked lightly.

"Please just do my hair so I can get this over with." She came over and did as I asked. Lissa left my hair down, but used a curling wand on it, so that it lay in loose ringlets around my head. My makeup was done in a deep blue shade.

When I looked in the mirror, I immediately wanted to change. I looked good. Too good for a dinner with Black Gossett. I was wearing a cream coloured dress and with the midnight-blue heels Clarissa had chosen to match my eyes, I really did look alright. I still looked like my little cute self unfortunately, just aged maybe three years.

"You look beautiful. Rub it in his face." Lissa said into my ear. I turned to ask her what she was talking about, but she just winked at me and ducked out of my room.


When the Gossett's arrived at our house, I was absolutely starving. Good too, because something about these dinners was that my mum and Mrs Gossett were always playfully outdoing each other. There was so much food. It kind of made me think about the people without. We were just wasting this for friendly competition. I had to remember talk to my mum about this.

We were ushered into the dining room by my mother, looking exquisite in a long red evening dress. As per usual, I was to be seated across from Black, and we were now engaging in our traditional, charming, pre-dinner chats.

"I swear sitting across from you is a bad idea. I'll throw up everywhere." He was saying to me.

"Well just remember if you do, I'll definitely tell everyone we know about it." I told him.

"Well I guess if I do chuck-up, it wouldn't be all bad. I get it all over you and that pretty little dress. Did you buy it in the kids section?" Black asked. Ass.

"Wow, you sound like a girl." I said.

He reached out and touched one of the sleeves of my dress. "It's a beautiful dress. Shame it's on you though." With that he wandered off to talk to Ransom.

Huffing, I looked around the room. Evangeline and Steel were deep in argument, nothing new there. The parents were all in a cluster together in the center of the room. Black's sister Holly was playing with Peony at the dinner table. And, in the corner of the room, Clarissa and Ronan were flirting vigorously with each other.

Claronan was nothing knew to anyone here. They were on-again-off-again 'friends'. Meaning that they were close friends that just happened not to mind a pash every now-and-then.

I was standing alone, probably looking very pathetic, so I sought to find company with Peony and Holly. When I walked over to the pair, Holly and I exchanged greeting and compliments on our outfits.

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