FIVE - Calm Before the Storm

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Ten minutes after paintball, Black and I went back to our normal routine: Me, fearing for my life, Him, enjoying watching me squirm.

I was back to constantly looking over my shoulder, watching my step, and sniffing all of my food before eating it. I had even been sleeping with one eye open, literally. Living with Black the Tormentor, that was a skill that I had needed in quite a few circumstances. I gave a shudder thinking about the camping trip back in seventh grade...

Three days after paintball and I was beginning to really get scared. Not because of Black, but because the anticipation might actually kill me. The anxiety. The need for something chaotic to happen, in order for my day to go on.

It had never taken Black this long to plan a scheme before, and I was beginning to fear for two different reasons.

1. Black is calling in favours for this... whatever you want to call it.


2. This is the calm before the storm.

Personally, I was more scared for the second.

Black had done some pretty bad stuff to me in the past, but if it was taking this long it must be really good...or really bad?

If it's a great prank, is it a good one, or a bad one?

Who cares, this shit is real.

It wasn't until Wednesday morning that I finally found out the answer to my questions.

I had lived at turtle speed for the last four days waiting for this.

I remember thinking, 'If you're making me wait this long, then it better be good, Black.'

Oh, was it ever.


As soon as I had, finally, escaped the dinner table with my family bickering like absolute imbeciles, I ran straight up to my bedroom and locked the door behind me.

I was about ready to drop into a ball on the ground, unconscious, from exhaustion. This whole 'This May Be My Final Day On Earth' business was tiring.

Black had given me reason to believe that today was D-Day, so I had spent the whole day wagging classes in the girls toilets, with Scarlet feeding me notes from the subjects I'd missed. Obviously.

But nothing happened.

The fumes from the girls toilets had given me a stomach ache (no matter what you're lead to believe, girls toilets are just as disgusting as boys), and the constant pain and anxiety had given me a headache.

To make matters worse, as soon as I'd gotten home, I was bombarded with questions from my parents as to why I had wagged school. Apparently the narks, I mean teachers, had texted them. Traitors.

I had suffered through an obnoxiously expensive dinner, accompanied by my even more obnoxious family - Ransom in particular - and had finally, finally, escaped to my room. Freedom! That's what America is for!

I quickly got undressed and got into the shower, going through my normal routine; get in, stand there for a few minutes, shampoo, stand there for another ten minutes, conditioner, soap, condition again, stand there for twenty minutes, blast cold water to cool my body down, and get out.

This whole thing took about an hour and fifteen minutes. Huh, I was quick today.

I had only just wrapped a towel around my head and pulled on a shirt and shorts, completely naked underneath the two pieces of thin material, and passed out on my bed. Face buried in pillow, butt up in the air.

Yeah, Delphine, like a goddamned lady.


Crawling out of bed about fifteen minutes after my alarm clock had timed out, I groped around my drawers for a boob prison and some underwear.

Finally, fully dressed, I sat at my vanity table and waited for my fairy godmother to appear with a hella magical wand to make me look like an acceptable person to go out into the wild.

If only I knew...


Part one, kind of. Ch. Six will be uploaded today as well.

Not 100% edited. Sorry, I'm a busy girl.

I'm really trying to make this story involve a lot of pranks and tricks, so if you have any ideas, I would be so grateful if you would share them with me. If there's anything that you would like them to do, or if there's anything you want to see happen, leave a comment and I'll try to incorporate as many as possible.

Vote and comment please!

Smashing! -Alex C.

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