FOUR - You Ruined My Balls

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Picture of Black Gosset to the side or above. I picture him as Dominic Sherwood, except with green eyes. Dominic's eyes are beautiful, one blue, one brown! Seexxaaayy!
What the hell was her problem with me?

I know I've been a prick in the past but I can't remember ever doing anything bad enough that she wouldn't even hear me out.

I really needed her help. I know she could help me. But she won't. Because she stubborn and aggravating, and annoying, and so incredibly cute...

It's been no secret to me that I've had a crush on Blue for years. One of those, always have always will, kind of things. Blue has incredible patience with me.

It's so hard to get her to that point
where she literally wants to rip my head off, but she looks so damn cute while she's there.

I've been told up and down that my ways of getting attention are petty, and childish. So what? I am petty and childish.

Blue could tell you that.

I know how she feels about me. I also know that she's wrong. I'll win her over eventually. When I want something hard enough, I have this tendency to get it. And I'll be damned if I can't have her.

Anyway, other than the cute hulk side of her, I know that she's super competitive.
You lay a bet in front of her, there's no way she'll turn it down.

I would have to work something out for the damn school crap, but I'd have to push that out of my head for now. I wasn't in the mood for a depressing glimpse into a future putting milk in bags at a convenience store. I was in the mood to see Blue and her freaky, cool eyes with a gun.

I went to a lot of trouble to arrange my next scheme.


When I got home, I wanted to go to my room and curl up with my favouroite book, 'Clockwork Princess', becuase today I was definetly in a Will Herondale mood, and thats exactly what I did.

When Clarissa asked if I wanted to come with her, Poppy, and Imogen to watch I movie, I passed. When Ransom asked me to come watch his football game, I told him I had "Important Homework". When Mum called me for dinner, I asked to eat in my room.

I grabbed my fluffy yellow blanket and curled up in my arm-chair and read for a solid three hours before something pegged my window.

At first I ignored it. It was Black. And I was really in no mood whatsoever to deal with him.

Really, he would really benefit from keeping me away. His pretty boy face would benefit anyway.

He'd done this to annoy me for seven years. But after eight more stones, I opened the window, only out of fear that he might smash it.

"Do you mind, I'm trying to read." I yelled.

"I don't care. I'm bored. Come on Blue, play with me." He said. Sometimes I really wonder if our 'enemy relationship' goes both ways. He sure hates me when he feels like it. But when he's bored, he seems to think that we are the best of friends.

"Go play with yourself. I wasn't put on this earth to entertain you." I called.

"I already did. And I reject that second part. Go to your bookshelf and find that Rick Ridman book you never shut up about." He said with with a mischievous smile. I didn't trust him.

My curiosity beat my arrogance and I followed his instructions, going to my bookshelf, finding my favourite Rick Riordan book: The Titans Curse, and opened it to find that the pages inside had been hollowed out.

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