SIX - The Storm

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I waited for Clarissa. She was taking longer than usual. I got bored and took the damp, crumpled towel out of my hair. My blue locks tumbled down my shoulders and halfway down my back...

Wait, what? Blue?... Blue?... BLUE!?

When I saw my defiled hair I didn't scream or say anything. I froze, thinking that if I didn't move, it would zap back to blonde. Hesitantly, I reached for one of the strands. It was silky and slipped through my fingers, I could tell it was real. The first thing I though wasn't, 'Shit!' or 'Oh my God!'. Funnily enough, it was 'Black'. That stupid, scum sucking, petrol sniffing, idiot!

How the shit did he get back into my bedroom? Was he in kahoots with someone? Who was the betrayer?

Another thought snapped into my head. My conditioner bottle.

Speedy as Hell, I ran into my bathroom and grappled for the stupid plastic bottle. When I pulled it out of the back of my shower, it was the same bottle I'd been using for the past two weeks.

First, I sniffed it. It smelled normal, like coconut and mint. Then, I searched it. Looking around the bottle, I found no signs of forced entry... what was this? An episode of NCIS?

Yes, of course it was. Some dick had broken into my shower and dyed me. It was life and death, for him at least.

There was nothing unusual about the bottle, and my frustration grew as I checked the other bottle and got the same result.

In sheer frustration, I threw both bottles to the floor and stomped my food like a damn child.

As I was turning, our of the corner of my eye, I spotted black on one of the bottles.

I crawled back over to the bottle and held it in my hands as it it were a grenade and the tick had been pulled.

Flipping the bottle over so that the bottom was facing up, I could see that there was a hasty message scribbled on the bottom.

It was kind if rubbed away by the water, and it was difficult to read for that reason, but I think I got the gist if it.

Second times the charm, right Blue?

-Black G.

The way that he wrote 'blue' in bold made my ears puff steam, and I could already see his infuriating wink and smirk when he saw me.

Huffing, barely able to control my anger, I piffed the bottle across the room.

I ran, literally ran, out of my bathroom, smacking the lights on my way out.

At that moment, blue hair splayed around my character, the door began to open.

Not happening. Not now. I'm seriously not in the mood.

I ran to the opening door and threw it closed, locking it instantly.

"Morni-Hey! What the hell, Del, let me in." Clarissa's voice rang through the closed door.

I stuttered an explanation as quickly as possible, all the while looking for a solution the the hair situation. "I'm... uh... feeding the... getting dressed. Yes! That's it! I'm not ready yet." I call.

I need something fast. Gloves, socks, scarf, hat... OH MY GOD YES!

I silently thank my eleven year old self for being obsessed with vests and hats. Evangeline had called this my 'Ellen Degeneres stage'.

I yanked at the mannequin rack they were piled on and they all tumbled to the floor in a heap. Before thinking, I grabbed a grey fedora with a teal ribbon band and filled it with my glorious hair.

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