SEVEN - A Beautiful Blue-bird

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I had expected Black to tell everyone about my hair and how proud he was of himself for pulling off such an amazing prank, but he didn't.

No one even seemed to notice my fugly hat, or the few tangled strands of teal hair that escaped it.

That is until my second class, maths, with Legs. I was already in a shit mood, and I didn't need her tormenting or demeaning words to add fuel to my inferno. But if course, Legs being Legs, as soon as I sat down, she demanded that the hat came off.

"No really, Miss, I'd rather not." I defend myself.

"Now Ellie, this isn't about what you want. The hat isn't in the dress code. If you don't take it off now, I have to put it on the school dashboard." Legs fires back. I feel bile rising a bit when she called me Ellie. She knew I hated it.

"Yeah, Blue, it's against school rules. Take it off, sweetheart." This was Black from behind me. I cringe when he calls me "sweetheart'.

God, please help me not rip his head off today.

I turn back to face him. "Stay out of this, or so help me God..." I warn.

"What? What will you do to me, Blue?" He challenges.

I knew it was an empty threat when I said it, so I close my mouth and turn back to face Legs and her disapproving glare. Behind me, Black mutters something like "That's what I thought.", and I can practically see the smirk on his face.

Legs stares me down, not backing off. "Remove it, or I will."

I want to fire back at her something about how if she touches me I'll sue, but it's just not me, and I know that I had lost this fight before it began.

In one last attempt to keep my dignity, fug ass hat and all, I say: "I have this weird, crazy rare, medical scalp condition, and my doctor told me not to expose my head to any sunlight for about a week or so." It sounded better in my head.

Her eyes turn to steel watching me, and I sigh in defeat as I pull the hat off my head. I hear a few strangled gasps and chokes of laughter as my teal hair pools around my shoulders. Even stupid Legs laughs at my misfortune.

I think that having blue hair like this, in any other circumstance would be cool, but it wasn't any other circumstance. To make my situation just the slightest bit worse, the blue hadn't dyed my whole head. There were still patches of light blonde hair where I guess I had missed when washing my hair.

My hair was dominantly blue, just a few wonky patches of blonde and brown from the last time I got low-lights. It was absolutely repulsive to see. I couldn't imagine my face right now, but I could imagine Black's. He was most likely sitting behind me with the most earth-shattering triumphant smile.

So help me god...


After maths, I had decided that there was no point in putting my hat back on. Twenty people had already seen it, so no doubt one hundred had already heard about it. News travels fast here.

I bet Carrie Dayes will be happy right now, seeing as no one will be talking about her cheating on her boyfriend anymore.

I'd always had this stupid dream, where I would get out of the car in front of school, and walk up the steps like I owned the place. I'd wanted people to look at me the way they looked at Clarissa, or Ransom, or Black; with lust, envy, and hatred. That was all.

I didn't want that anymore. I finally got my fifteen minutes of fame, and it was all because of my crown of thorns.

If I didn't have this disaster of a do, I can tell you that I would never have gotten a second glace by anyone, and that's what sucked most about this whole ordeal. It was ironic that I was finally getting noticed, but it was for a sick reason.

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