TEN - She Was Like Exploding Toothpaste

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I woke up today with the sunshine on my heart, lighting up my whole being. I was sweet at the breakfast table. I even laughed when Ransom called me "Blue-Blooded Midget".

Last night was the best sleep I had ever had in my life. The sweet cries of terror from across the street put my mind at ease, and a smirk on my face. The smirk had stayed all night.

Satan and I have that in common.

The blue-bombshell had already been dropped on my mother last night, so nothing was stopping me from getting into the shower and re-using the blue dye, making sure to stain every strand this time, and waltzing downstairs to the breakfast table and eat my toast with my Capri head held high.

My mothers eyes did a weird bug twitch thing when she saw me looking bluer than ever, but I brushed it off. Ransom and Steel still thought it was funny. My father, who rarely showed affection towards us kids, had ruffled my hair and gave me an approving look that made my soaring heart skip four beats.

When we all left for school, Black didn't pull out in front of Clarissa and I. When we got out of the car, he didn't pull me to the side and beat me senseless. When we were in maths, he didn't even pester me, or talk back to Legs. He was the perfect angel, and that's what made me falter during lunch.

Normally, I'd stride past Black, who sat next to his popular tool friends and acted like he was god's gift, like he didn't matter and sit with Scarlet and Heather and the others, but today I noticed Black sitting by himself in the corner of the cafeteria.

His eyes were droopy and blood-shot, and he was shooting fire from his eyes in the direction of any and everyone who have him a second glance. Everyone but me.

I walked up gingerly, and placed my bag on the table. It was awkward sitting like this; me, blowing air into my cheeks and tapping my knees under the table; Black, watching me with a weird expression between placid and anger.

"Sooo...." I said. "I take it you found Murphy."

After a minute or two, he sighed and dropped his head. his body started shaking, and I thought he was crying. I didn't know what to do, and I wasn't sure how to comfort him. Black had never cried much when we were kids, and even if he did, it was never in front of me.

But after moments of body wracks, he lifted his top half, and a huge smile was there, infecting my blood stream with warmth. I could see fear and pride in his eyes. He laughed so heartily that half of the cafeteria turned in out direction.

"Mur...phy?" He said through gasped and sputtered laughter. I couldn't help but throat-thunder along with him. We went on like this until we were both sober. Black from laugher, me from Black's charm.

"You're not mad?" I asked.

Apparently I wasn't the only one with reverse-anger-issues.

He looked up at me, and away from the naked girl he'd been drawing ok his napkin. "Mad? Oh, no, Blue; I'm furious. But I'm also unbelievably excited."

That concoction of emotion made me nervous. "Why....?"

He looked me dead in the eyes, smirks everywhere on his face. Hundreds of them. "Because now the war can truly begin."

Yes, it could. And it did.



Her good mood was contagious as she walked up and sat down across from me. On the surface, she looked like she was nervous about being near me, but underneath it all I could still see the buzzing self-pride and barely hidden grin.

The Awkward StageHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin