ELEVEN - Making a Deal With the Devil's Desperate Daughter

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This chapter is dedicated to TaylahMilly for being such an amazing reader.

I honestly love you. Like, look out your window, and I'll be standing there waving.


Sorry that it took so long to update. I've been thinking about the future of the story and have been lacking inspiration. However, writing short snippets for later in the story, I've found just a pinch.

Picture of Scarlet Winthrop at the top!



As much as I wanted to play with Blue today, it wasn't in the cards. We had less than three weeks until the impossible had to be pulled off. Three weeks until I had to pass the Bio test. Shit a birck sideways and call it a day, I say. It was probably more likely.

After a grouling hour of brain warcking, I decided to take a walk. Screw sitting inside, boxed in, no room to think. Usually, the smell of fresh paint toxins lulled me. Today, it distracted me and made me want to rip my beautiful, lush locks stright from my scalp. Maybe a walk would be good. 16 and bald? No thanks.

I ended up walking in the middle of the the road up to the big, ugly, green fence that surrounded the entire neighbourhood. So ugly, I thought. My mind got to working, already planning what I could do to the blank space, the silent messages ticking like clockwork in my brain. The serenity of my genius was disrupted when a clicking sound signalled the opening of the gate.

"What the fuck are you doing?" A tingy female voice rang. "Do you want to get hit?"

I sighed and ran a hand over my eyes, moving out of the way so that Scarlet could drive past. Her new Lexus pulled out in front of me, and I had to pick up the pace before I got hit. The Lexus wasn't anything next to my baby, but it looked like a sweet ride, and she probably cherished it, considering it was her celebration gift for her early acceptance to NYU...

I pretty much felt my heart plunk at the thought. Toast-for-brains over here had indeed gotten early acceptance into two colleges, due to her nearly perfect SAT scores. Next to my barley-hanging-on-by-a-thread scores, she seemed like a genius.

Because she was a genius.

You know what I could really use, right now? A freaking genius. That's why I did the smartest thing possible and ran out in front of Scarlet's car.

She hit the breaks immediately, honking her horn long and loud, but the noise didn't completely drown out the stream of curse words that she spat in my direction. "Jesus Christ, are you brain dead?" Scarlet screamed.

I held my hands up in surrender. "Calm down, comrade. I need your help." I pleaded, and she seemed to consider this.

Suddenly, she stretched over the console and opened the passenger side door. "Hop in, then. I'll drive you home."

As I walked over the the open car door, I had the faintest thought that this was not allowed. Wasn't it against 'girl code' it something for a girl to be alone in a car with their best friends 'nemesis'?

It sure as hell felt wrong to me. The moment the door closed, being so close to Scarlet seemed, I don't know... traitorous? I pushed that thought away. This was something that had to be done. Blue would forgive Scarlet. Hell, Blue didn't even have to know. It didn't matter.

Scarlet lurched forward and started to drive. Damn, she's a worse driver than me, I thought. Ginger Keller was gonna have a shit-fit when she saw the state her garden gnome collection was left in.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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