THREE - Why Would I Ever Help You?

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It had been three days since the lasagne incident at school, and Black still hadn't attempted anything.

I hate to say it, but I was getting scared. Always looking over my shoulder, double checking where I was about to step, flinching before I opened any sort of door.

I hate how Black has this power over me.

One of the hardest parts of my day was getting out of the car in the morning. Clarissa and I were still bound to riding with Ransom, and his car was a very expensive hummer. Unfortunately for me, his car was also really high off the ground, so it's basically a free-fall for me.

I jump and prey to God that I make it to the ground in one piece. Seriously, it's scary.

Anyway, I had only just hit the ground, when I was grabbed and yanked back and slammed into the back if Ransom's car.

Immediately, I thought it was someone trying to abduct me, swinging wildly at the villain with my arms and legs, trying to get free from the iron grip.

"Jesus Christ, calm down, Blue."

Okay, maybe I've been watching too much 'Law and Order'.

I could have recognised that voice anywhere, and being called 'Blue' definitely cemented any doubts I would have had. Knowing good and well that it was Black, I went ahead and kept swinging until I landed a measly tap to his chin, and he let me go.

"Okay, Jackie Chan. Put you freaky, impossibly shitty, ninja skills away. It's just me." He said and I rolled my eyes at him as he straightened his blazer that I had mercilessly messed.

I looked around, but Ransom and Clarissa must have already gone into school together, completely ditching me. Thanks. A lot.

Accepting that I was stuck with this wank for the next five minutes at least, I said, "Well, you gave me every reason to believe you were gonna kidnap me, you psychopath."

He scoffed. "If I was going to kidnap you, scratch that, if anyone was going to kidnap you, don't you think they'd pick a better place than a school parking lot, filled with kids?"

"Well if they were stupid enough to kidnap me at all, given that I have 'freaky, impossibly shitty, ninja skills' then no, I don't think they'd pick a better place." He just rolled his eyes at me and smirked to himself.

"What is this about, then?" I asked, getting irritated with that cute smirk.

Wait, what? Did I just say his smirk was cute? Holy crap, I must be sick or something, maybe even a little crazy.

But, just inwardly thinking here, his smirk really wasn't that repulsive.

"I need your help." Black said, slapping me back into reality. Good, back to business, then.

"Why would I ever help you?"

"Because you don't have a choice." That cute, annoying smirk sparked a fire in his eyes.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Because if you refuse, then I swear, I will get you back so bad, you'll be sobbing for months." Seriously, who does this prick think he is?

A flash of fear darted through me, but I chased it away. I'm sure I stated earlier that I hated the power Black had over me, but he only had that power because I allowed him to.

Well, no more.

"No." I said.

He seemed genuinely taken aback by my answer, and I mentally back tracked to make sure that I didn't accidentally told him that I killed his goldfish when we were children. No, good, I had averted that crisis.

"No?" He asked, positively dumbfounded.

I took a step forward, as if to intimidate him, but I seriously doubt it worked. He just got a suggestive glint in his eyes and raised his brows at me.

I sneered at his disgusting behaviour. "No, now get out of my way, I'm going to be late."

I pushed past him and marched into school. I don't care how bitchy in was being. He had been too mean for too long to expect kindness.

Screw him.

The last thing I heard before I walked out of earshot was: "Fine, but you asked for everything that's coming to you, Blue!"

Worry sat in my chest, because I didn't doubt he'd have something planned in about twenty minutes, but I squashed it down.

I didn't have time to deal with such a dick. I had two tests coming up to study for...

Holy crap. Realisation dawned of me and a lump grew impossible tight in my windpipe. He was going to ask me for help studying.

My eyes widened as I realised this. Black had never been great in school, and I new that the tests we had coming were pretty hard and very important.

He probably couldn't afford to fail. Which was saying something, considering that Black could afford anything.

I stopped dead in my tracks, turned around, and ran back to the parking lot. But when I got there, Black was nowhere to be seen.

He'd already run off somewhere, probably planning his attack.

Holy shit. He's going to kill me. He's actually going to kill me.


Short, I know, but I'm uploading maybe tomorrow with a full part. One of my personal faves.

This one is kind of meh, but it's foundation for something happening in the future.

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-Alex C.

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