Uh I think I'm falling in love with the schools hot jerk [39]

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Ch. 39

Nikkis POV

"Nikki" I heard someone say. I turned around to see Jay. He was by himself, no drake.

"I'm sorry" he apologised. I stood up and walked over to Jay. "your sorry? For what? For threatening to kill my brother.. Or forcing me to kiss you so that you won't hurt zack!?" I said with venom in my voice.

"yes I'm sorry for all of that" he explained. Then he pushed his lips against mine, I tried to pull away but he was too strong! I hit him but it didn't seem to affect him..

"GET.THE.HELL.OF.MY.SISTER!" Taylor yelled. Jay backed away and I ran behind Taylor. "go away before I do something I'll regret!" he shouted at Jay."Jay please go" I begged, Jay turned around and walked away.

Taylor turned around round to face me "are you okay?" he asked cupping my face with his hands.

"yes I'm fine, now can you get of me!" I yelled and walked into the house.. I walked pass zack who said something along the lines of "she was eating his face of a while ago" I just ran back up to my room. Why does Jay have to come and ruin everything!?

"I'm sorry" zack said walking to my room "that was rude, I know I'm sorry" I layed still on my bed. He came and sat next to me, "Go away!"

He put his arms around my waist and pulled me up so I was looking into his eyes. I felt tears roll down my cheek, "Nikki please.. You can't expect me to be fine with you kissing Jay!" he told me.

"why don't you go and hang out with you waitress!" I said rudely.

He Smirked.. "Is someone a bit jealous?"

I moved away from him.. "no!"

"so when you practically ran to the car when that girl asked my out you wernt jealous?" he asked.

Should I lie? "well what did you expect me to do? Oh ya.. Ask the boy I flipping love out right In front of my face!" I yelled..

Oh shit! I just realised! I Said love! Errrrrrrrrggg! I'm such an idiot!

"l-l-love-e??" he stuttered, I got up and headed for the door when two strong hands pulled me back.. He held me so tight but it felt nice.

He lightly threw me on the bed and whispered in my ear "say it"

I knew he wanted me to saw those 3 words that can change my life.

"say what?" I replied teasing him. I tried to get up but he got on top of me.

He smirked and ran his finger down my body. That made me wanna moan but I held it in, "you know what" he breathed, his breath smelt of mints.. It tickled my ear.

"no I don't" I said shaking my head. He ran his tongue along my neck, "it starts with I" then he licked the bottom of my lip, he put his hand under my back and I arched my back to be closer to him. He bit my ear lightly and I couldn't keep my moan in so I let it out. He chuckled quietly then breathed into my ear "c'mon... You know you want to"

I tangled my fingers in his hair. "I love you" I moaned.

He backed away.. No why was he backing away!!!!

He looked at me. " I love you to Nikki"

I pulled him closer, and kissed his neck and whispered in his ear "this is just like a movie.. Perfect!"

when "beeeepppp beeeppp" I backed away and answered phone.

"what!" I asked rudely,

"Nikki, it's Dr Jake" oh shit crap crap crap..

Uh I think I'm falling in love with the schools hot jerkWhere stories live. Discover now