Uh I think I'm falling in love with the schools hot jerk [51]

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Ch. 51

Taylors POV.

""Taylor... I'm sorry" he sighed also holding back his tears.

I literally felt my heart break..

I dropped to the ground screaming in pain.

All I wanted to do was go to Laura.. All I wanted was to be with her.

All the times we had flashed through my mind.

Why did she leave me!? Laura why did you leave me???

"taylor.. Iv got someone I want you to meet" Jake said.

Aston put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me up.

I couldn't feel my own feet..

I looked over to Jake who was holding a beautiful baby rapped around in a pink blanket.

I walked over to the baby.. Her beautiful blue eyes reminded me of laura. I put out my arms to hold her and Jake put her in my arms.

I looked down at her and kissed her forehead.

"I promise Laura" I said to Laura and myself.

I stood there for about 10minutes just staring at her.

"taylor can I?" Nikki asked walking up to me.

I gently put tayra into nikkis arms.

Laura I'll always love you.. Your always gonna be with me.. Through everything, like you always have.

I took out my phone and dialed alexs number.

"yo! I haven't heard from you in ages!" Alex said answering the phone.

"Alex" I cried "Laura.. Lau-" I couldn't finish because I was crying so much.

"Taylor!? What's wrong?" Alex asked.

"can you come to mayday hospital?" I asked.

"yeah sure.. On my way" he said then I hung up.

I looked over to see everyone in their own world..

Nikki and Zack were with tayra.. Chloe was crying on jakes shoulder..

Max was comforting Hannah while she was crying..

--Flash back--

"lauraa!!" I complained.

Laura laughed "your not getting this back you know"

She ran of with my diary.. She ran onto the balcony of her room.

I ran out after her..

"Laura please!" I begged and she laughed.

He laugh was so amazing! It sounded so beautiful!

I ran outside to the front garden.

I saw her on the balcony, she looked really confused and i knelt down on one knee.

"oh fair madden" I sang which made her laugh.. I was never to good at singing.

"you want it? Come get it!" she teased.

I decided to clime up the pole on the side of her balcony.

I climbed to the top and was hanging of the balcony "oh Romeo.." she sang.

I laughed..

I climbed up to the balcony..

"what was the point of that!?" she asked.

Uh I think I'm falling in love with the schools hot jerkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ