Meet the Classmates

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Natasha took a seat next to him, trying hard not to comment on his arrows.

"Okay class, since it is our first day.. I want to know more about you," Miss Good said, fixing her glasses. Natasha hated introductions. It was hard enough to do it in front of Wanda, now she will have to do it in front of the whole class. 

"Okay, we will go from the front row to the back," Miss Good said. Thankfully, Natasha sat close to the back row, enough time to practice what she will say.

"I'm Tony Stark, and I like Chemistry."

"I'm Wanda Maximoff, and I like art."

"I'm Pietro Maximoff, and I like running."

"I'm Pepper Potts, and I like.. computers."

"I'm Maria Hill, and I also like computers."

"I'm Bruce Banner, and I like chemistry."

"I'm Sam Wilson, and I like... birds?"

"I'm Steve Rogers, and I like history." Natasha recognized Steve as the boy she bumped into today.

"I'm T'Challa, and I like cats."

"I'm Loki Odinson, and I like pranks."

"I'm Thor Odinson, and I like mythology."

"I'm Sharon Carter, and I like computers."

"I'm Jarvis.. but I go by Vision, and I like English."

"I'm Clint Barton, and I like archery."

"I'm Natasha Romanoff, and I like.... guns?" Everyone looked at Natasha, weirdly, while Nat just planted a "I regret saying that" look.

"I'm Bucky Barnes, and I ALSO like my guns," said thd boy with shoulder-length hair, smirking at Natasha. Natasha couldn't help but smile back. Maybe this won't be the WORST year...

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