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Natasha was rummaging through her closet for the PERFECT dress.

"Ugh! Why can't we just wear sweatpants?!" Natasha said to Wanda, who was trying on a dress. Wanda rolled her eyes.

Natasha pulled out a purple dress out of her closet. This will have to do. Nat put the dress on, hoping to not look as horrific as she imagined.

"Wow.. you look.. TERRIBLE," Wanda said. Natasha was hoping for "Wonderful" or "Beautiful."

"Wow, thanks," Natasha said, sarcastically, "Can you please just help me?"

"Okay, fine. Hmm.. I think you would look nice in black," she said, pulling out a black dress. Natasha put the dress on. When she came out, she got a gasp from Wanda.

"You look beautiful!" Wanda exclaimed, putting Natasha's hair in a fancy braid.

Natasha looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't know something so... ruthless... could look so.. beautiful.

The ladies, both dressed up, went outside of their dorm, waiting for their dates. They had agreed to do a double date, since Natasha thought it would be too "awkward."

Finally, the men, dressed up, arrived. Bucky was wearing black, which matched her dress, perfectly. Vision wore a white shirt along with a purple tie. Wanda was wearing a red dress, with a matching rose in her hair.

The couples arrived at Stark Tower. The disco lights were visible through the large building. They all walked inside, greeted by Tony Stark. Natasha took a seat with Bucky.

"So.. where are you from?" Bucky asked. Natasha knew he would start asking her more personal questions. Questions she could not answer.

"I'm from Michigan," Natasha lied.

"Oh what part of Michigan?" Bucky asked.

"Near Lansing," Natasha answered. "So, how about you? Where were you from?"

"I lived in Arizona, for most of my life," Bucky answered back, hesitantly. Natasha knew he was keeping something from her, but she understood he probably had a very personal life, too.

The two talked the night away. They became more open about themselves, made funny jokes, and Natasha felt, for once, she was safe.

"Okay, my peeps. Hope you're having a good time! We gonna play a few games of... Spin The Bottle! Natasha gulped. Spin the Bottle?! Ugh...

Everyone, including Natasha, sat in a circle. Tony volunteered being first. He span the bottle, and it landed on... Pepper! Pepper got up, awkwardly. The two kissed for about one minute, before Pepper separated their lips. Next to spin was Wanda. She span the bottle and it landed on... Bucky. Bucky looked at Natasha. Natasha gave him a shrug to show it was okay. The two kissed, softly. Bucky tried to maintain his distance from Wanda.
The rest of the night was a blur to Natasha. She went to the bathroom, as an excuse not to play her turn.
"Get it together, Romanoff.. only a few more hours and you can go back to wearing your sweatpants," Natasha said to herself, in the bathroom mirror. Natasha left the bathroom, to find Bucky waving her over by a table. She went over to him, watching her high heels, to make sure she doesn't trip.
"Hey," Bucky said, when she approached him.
"Hey," Natasha responded, fixing her hair. The two were interrupted when a sudden voice came out nowhere.
"Attention everyone! The party has now come to an end. Please do not leave your belongings here.. or I will throw them away," Stark said, his face expressionless. Students in the crowd gave large groans, but, eventually, they left the tall building.
"Natasha," Steve said, "Can you stay, and help clean up?"
"Yeah, whatever," Natasha said, her arms crossed against his chest. Both stayed back, and helped clean.
"So, did you like the party?" Steve asked, eager to start a conversation. Natasha shrugged.
"It was okay.." Natasha replied.
"Yeah.. I am sure you're not to comfortable in that.." Steve said, pointing to her dress. Natasha looked down.
"Well, if you wore it, I don't think you would be too comfortable either," Natasha replied, giving a smirk. Steve let out a laugh.
"Yeah, probably not. It's pretty late.. we should get going home," Steve said.
"Yeah.." Natasha said, "See you tomorrow." Natasha left the room, leaving Steve alone.


Natasha reached her dorm. She thought she would knock, but it was, also, her room... She opened the door, and immediately stepped back. In her sight, she could see a young girl, who appeared to be Wanda, kissing Bucky.

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