The Strain for Control

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For thirteen years she had practiced this.

Thirteen years behind closed door, in a room coated in layer upon layer of ice and frost that had to be cleaned over and over again every time she had slipped and lost control, behind the door that had separated her from the outside world, she had practiced to be the proper Queen and to suppress her powers.

Despite it all her hands still shook as she sat at her vanity, facing the mirror, the young woman staring back at her was terrified as she slipped the gloves on, and she took deep calming breaths until she could display a neutral face.

"Your Majesty,"

The first time she had been called that, in the coronation ball by her guests, she had shuddered. People would refer to her that way now, every single one of them, as long as she wore the crown on top of her head. Now, in the morning, the title had only made her head tilted up to see the Gerda's reflection on the mirror, standing in the middle of the room.

"Breakfast is ready; everyone has been alerted as well."

First day of her reign as Queen started with her in the Dining Hall surrounded by people that had once filled the ballroom, people that had zero knowledge of who she was and what she was capable of and yet still demand so much of her.

She could not lose control, not even the tiniest of bit.

"Very well." Nodding her head as she stood up, brushing her gloved hand over her skirt to dismiss the nonexistence wrinkles, she turned to the trusted maid. "Do have someone to check on Anna, I fear that she may fall back asleep."

Gerda had smiled then, in both amusement of knowing how the Princess could do exactly that and for the fact that, no matter how they were separated for so long, the Queen remained thoughtful of her younger sister.

"Of course, Your Majesty."


She could see them all.

Seated at the head of the table, she was allowed the sight of those who sat along the long dining table, see those discussing between themselves, a practice of overseeing she must say, tiny should she compared to looking over her kingdom.

And while she could see them, they could see her.

The center of attention, the one everyone would love to engage in a conversation with, the one they directed their eyes at, watching and judging the new Queen.

It did nothing but made her shoulders heavier.

After all these years of being isolated, have no one but her parents and a few servants, having people barely know her at all; being the one that people looked at, for people to try and figure out, it made her chest tightened and fists clenched against the silverware she was holding.

Being the Queen's sister though, Anna had her seat to her right; and in contrast of the new ruler, she very much enjoyed the attention and conversations that she was engaged in, talking with so much excitement that most dignitaries opted to talk to her instead, perhaps far more comfortable than trying to engage in light talks with the frigid Queen.

"You look absolutely stunning this morning, My Queen."

The praise for her appearance was to be expected, she had received some before from her other guests in a way that they thought would attract her attention, make them stood out in her eyes. They also used it as an opening for a conversation with her, one that usually had the aim of strengthening the bond between the kingdom they represent and Arendelle.

Thus his attempt of compliment had only being met with a polite nod and a small smile at his way.

It was clear in his eyes that Hans had very much realized this; once the words had slipped passed his lips and he had not received the reaction that he had hoped she would give him.

"I would very much love to visit your beautiful kingdom," The Princess had given the French dignitary a bright smile as she spoke, pleased that she had actual people that she could talk to. "And surely my sister would love to come too, isn't that right, Elsa?" She had turned to the platinum blonde haired Queen, forgetting herself as her hand moved to clutch her sister's, sending an immediate jolt throughout her sister's body as the Queen quickly pulled her hand away.

"Anna, what are you doing?!" Her hands shook as she clutched them close to her chest, blue eyes wide as she glared at her younger sister, who had a matching shocked mixed with a tad of fear in her eyes. Had she not been wearing gloves, Anna's hand would've freeze, the whole table would've freeze over; all of her hard work of concealing would've been in vain just by the foolishness of her sister's act.

"I'm... sorry." Anna's voice was small as she cowered in her seat, turquoise eyes just as wide, terrified by her sister's sudden outburst from such a small cause. "I got ahead of myself." It left her heart guilt-ridden, to see how terrified her own sister was of her, yet if it was what it took to keep her safe, then she shall do it.

Looking up, all eyes were on them now, and Elsa herself wished she could cower down, to pull into herself, to run into the safety of her chambers, anything to free herself from the towering dignitaries that made her felt so small. Yet she wouldn't, she had the duty to be Queen, and what kind of a queen cowered away from those who were supposed to be the ones who were under her ruling?

Straightening herself in her seat, she took a deep breath to keep her powers at bay and put on the mask she had mastered in having for so many years. "Just," her voice had once again calmed, full of authority that she was expected to have, and out of the corner of her eye she could see Hans watching her so intently. "Control yourself next time, Anna."

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