Together is What We Do Best, Darling

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If Elsa struggled with concealing her powers then I struggled with writing a decent chapter, lol.

"Tell me more."

Their return to Arendelle had been weeks ago, and ever since then he could see the grow in Elsa's eyes, of how much easier it was for her to go with her day now that she had him knowing of what she could do, serving as the sole listener to her during the night without her need to hide. Her Council had given her less pressure, for now, as they were well-informed that they both had finally consummate with their marriage, yet knowing these men, he knew it would not take them long enough to start on the topic of heirs.

It had never once come into a discussion between them, Elsa was rather silent about it, and he understood on why. She struggled with her power, day by day, working her way slowly into having full control over it, for her to bear a child at this time could only add up to the stress burdening her down, and should their child inherit her power then—

He would not mind, of course, he had always wanted to have a family; raise a proper one that would ensure that his children would not suffer the way he had been, the way Elsa had been, power or no power.

The platinum blonde haired woman had her head tilted to a side as she looked at him in wonder, one eyebrow rose in question at his vague request. "Of what?"

"Your powers, of what was said of it." He had promised her that he would help, no matter how, and as for now, his best chance to fulfill that was to understand better of what they were dealing with. There were glimpses of things that he had learned over time by watching her; as example, her emotions were the main thing that triggered it, if she had become upset or emotional then it would be harder for her to control it, and often the insides of her gloves would freeze along with the dropping in the temperature around her.

There was silence as her blue eyes watched his face, and he was patient enough to wait for her to gather her thoughts and courage to speak up, something that they truly had to exercise more of her if he wanted her to be more confident as Queen. "Fear will be my enemy," then she had been feeding it, by fearing herself, doubting of the control that he knew she had deep inside of her. "And death it's consequence."

She feared that she would hurt someone, as she could whether it was out of her own wish or not, and although he himself had tried to avoid the thought, hearing her said it herself had made him consider that she truly was capable of taking someone's life.

A part of his mind had urged him to ask if she had hurt someone before, for she looked so certain of her inability to fully control it, however well she had been every time that they had spent their time together, day and night, yet there was another part that had told him not to, for he had to wait until Elsa herself would tell him, for it to come from deep within herself.

"Perhaps, instead of hiding it, to conceal it deep within yourself," his fingers ran through the thick locks of platinum blonde hair as he spoke of his thoughts, of the idea that had come his way as he tried to figure the meaning behind what she had told him, for wordings could mean something more than what had been said. "You should let it go."

"You know I can't do that," had it been his imagination or had he truly caught the sense of tiredness in her voice as she spoke, in such way as if she had really given up at the mere thought of it. "People will see and I—"

The way of him silencing her had been to press his lips against hers, to feel her desperation and her distraught from the way she had kissed him, and his heart ached at how miserable Elsa was, and for him to discover only when she had revealed her well-kept secret. "We can go somewhere; I will take you to a place away from Arendelle, far from prying eyes. And you can practice; you can let yourself be free, if only for a moment."

"God, you're so persistent." Her quiet laugh against his lips had only prompted his smile to grow, for it had been his persistence that had brought them together like this, if he had not been working his way with her, to give her the assurance that she could trust him, then perhaps she would still hide in the shadows, all alone facing what she had been born with.

"You like that about me."

The amusement had made her shook her head as she pulled away, dainty fingers running over his sideburn as she hummed. "Fine, when my schedule isn't such a tight mess, we could go." He may have the need to wear warmer clothing then, as they were nearing winter as well. "In the meantime," the way her body moved to settle herself on top of him, the way her fingers had run over the muscles of his abdomen, he had understood her intention without her need to put it into words, but he loved when she did. "I'm not quite tired yet, do you, husband?"

Truly he could not help the chuckle that escaped him by the way of her invitation, of how alluring her voice had become as she sat before him, for this was the Elsa that she would not let anyone to know but him, and dared he said that she was a natural. She may have hid behind closed doors, with such minimum contact with the outside world, but her body knew what it need and what pleased her, she knew what she wanted and how to get it.

He was not complaining in one bit.

Grasping her by the hips, he had urged her to lean forward until their lips met once again before his hand had made it's way up her back, following the curve of her spine through the thin material of her nightgown as she hummed in contentment. The air she breathed into his mouth was icy, pearl white teeth nibbling against his bottom lip as he let his hands wandered.

"Didn't you say you have a Council meeting in the morning, wife?" The question had not been asked in a serious manner, more of a tease if he had to be honest with himself, for it was quite the satisfaction to see the roll of her eyes as she had only pressed herself closer against his torso.

"Then don't keep me waiting."

She was driving him mad, this side of Elsa that he discovered beneath the picture of the perfect Queen, and he was just a man with his own natural desires. It had taken him a mere effort to turn the tables, for his wife was such a slender figure that he could just flip the two of them together so easily, and the way her platinum blonde hair had fallen to frame her face reminded him of a halo glowing for such angel.

Her arms wrapped around his neck as he leaned down to taste her mouth once more, and even through the gloves she wore he could still feel the cold against the skin of his back, though it was but a mere thought pushed aside to the back of his mind as Elsa's lips parted for him.

Time had always been such a trifling thing when they were together.

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