To Let Go is to Learn Something New

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The thing about alcohol, she had realized, was the effect it had on her mind.

No matter how short her absence from the throne had been, it had left a fair amount of work that she had to catch up to, as even when she had her council to handle many things there were still those that she had to personally attend to herself, thus why after dinner she had excused herself to continue on working, refusing Hans' offer to stay and accompany her throughout the night, for she believed he deserved the rest he needed.

With nothing but the flickering flame from the candle by her side, she read every paper word by word, making sure that there was not a single thing that she missed that could negatively affected Arendelle, letting her hand skillfully glide across as she held the quill, carving her smooth signature as her approval.

She had reached over to grab a decanter of brandy, pouring the alcoholic beverage into the cup of tea she had requested to be brought her way earlier in the evening, for it was a great way to make sure that she would not nodded off before she had actually done with her work, it could also help in clearing her mind over things that could serve as a distraction for her.

There was a chance that she may have poured a little too much.

For alcohol was able to make her want, to turn her mind bolder, and to increase her desires over things that she previously would only keep to herself. Granted, she had not been too far gone, as she was still quite aware of herself and of her surroundings, she had maintained the regal picture of the Queen effortlessly yet.

Hans was sitting against the headboard with his book in hand when she had walked in, having found herself too tired to continue on with her work, and yet not quite tired enough to not desire him. Because she wanted him, wanted to feel as the married woman that she was, and with his knowledge of what she could do, truly there was nothing that held her back but her own fear, which had been pushed aside to the back of her mind easier than it had before.

Her fingers had curled at the top of his book after she had found herself changed into her nightgown, tugging it out of his grasp and set it aside on the nightstand by his side of the bed, earning herself a raise of his eyebrow as he wordlessly questioned of her intention. Her answer was for her to find herself sitting on his lap, each of her legs beside his, trapping him with her own body as she ran a hand over his jaw, bringing their faces closer together until their lips meet once more.

His hands unabashedly ran over the curves of her body, feeling her underneath the thin material of her gown, pulling her closer until her gloved hands rested against his bare chest. There was a sharp intake of her breath when she felt his knuckles brushed against the skin of her thighs as he took hold of the hem of her nightgown as he started to tug them upward, and he had pulled away then, face flushed as his eyes searched her face for any sort of uncertainty, an unspoken question of whether she was alright with it all.

"It's fine," she was not as frightful as she had been, and she wanted this so badly, they have both deserved it, after so long. And for as long as her hands were safely tucked away inside her gloves, there would not be any sort of accident... she hoped.

Continuing to tug against the smooth silk, the material brushed against her skin as he brought it over her head, throwing it aside as she had finally presented herself before her husband after the many months of their marriage in nothing but her own skin, and even she was surprised to find that she did not make any sort of attempt to shield herself away from him, her hands were resting on his waist as she watched his eyes roamed over his body, saw the way he inhaled as his hand brushed her hair away from her face.

And she caught his wrist in her grasp.

"Show me what to do." Because she was unsure on how, as her only source of what was expected to occur during the consummation of marriage had only been books that she had read, of what she had heard her ladies-in-waiting had discussed when they thought she had not been listening. His smile grew as she let his wrist free, using the said hand to hold hers in return as he placed it over his chest and let the satin glove to run down his abdomen until she was met with the hem of his sleeping pants.

Don't feel. Her heart raced against her chest in all of the sudden, for she had felt his hardness against her own hips, and she had pulled her hands away as she attempted to calm herself for what to come. He had tugged her close for another kiss, and just now as he had turned the tables around until she was now the one with her back against the mattress while he hovered above her, that she realized the kiss had been his way to distract her mind, to take her worries away and focus her into the pleasure that had awaited.

He had skillfully taken care of his pants during their kiss that by the time she had pulled away, he was just as nude as she was. With her eyes traveling further south, heat filled her cheeks as they settled to the one thing that she had never seen of a man's body before.

Pulling her into another kiss, his touches were gentle against her, and she readied herself for what to come, because she knew it would be soon, her arms moving to wrap around his neck just as he pushed himself into her.

It had hurt less than she had imagined.

Perhaps it was the way of how he had kissed her, or the way of how gentle he had been, because it felt hot, fulfilling, opening her into something unknown that her past self would have found to be frightening, but it was incredible instead.

It made her felt alive.

They were silent saved from the sounds of their moans and of their panting, of the sounds of skin meeting skin as their bodies moved, and he had dipped his head to kiss her breasts, to have his mouth ravishing the soft skin of her chest, and her back arched in respond, hips buckling against his as she found her fingers entangled in his auburn hair.

Hans had picked up his pace, and it made it all felt so much better, building her into something more, a swelling and steaming sensation in the pit of her stomach that she could hardly comprehend, pleasure coursing through her veins and fire pulsing through her skin as her gloved fingers dug onto his back, the pressure that had built within her was starting to get too much, making her feel as if she was about to burst.

She could not help the moan that had escaped her lips, the loudest one that she had elicited since they had started, her head thrown back against the pillow as her toes curled, eyes shutting tightly as her world might as well had turned white.

Her body was shaking as she came down from the high of her orgasm, holding onto him as he had his own face buried at the crook of her neck, letting out a deep groan as he filled her, his body rolling off her to his side of the bed, sated and panting as he laid on his side to face her, and she moved to gently press her lips against his.

Never in her life did she ever felt something like this, her emotions intensified and yet she felt as if she was in complete control. She had looked up, and suddenly she was in awed, for there was a thin and delicate layer of frost covering the ceiling, beautiful and reflecting the moonlight outside, and for once she was not afraid to see her power.

His fingers curled around her chin, bringing her attention back to him as he pressed a lingering kiss over her lips as a hand moved to rest against her abdomen. "Show me what to do."

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