The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

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She had been in such repetitive cycle from the beginning of her reign.

With Hans knowing more than anyone else had and the slow and yet sure mending of her relationship with Anna, she had found herself in such a surprisingly different turn of event than she had once feared for. Her marriage, once dreaded, had now become the solid foundation with her to go on, to work harder on achieving control of her power; her sister had not been as distant with her and she in turn had tried her best to show the Princess how much she actually cared.

Of course, all good things come with a price, she supposed.

Her Council had been her least favorite thing to face almost every single day of her life. They served her to help her manage her kingdom, yes, they advised her on decisions she was to make and give her feedback on what she should do; but they were just so demanding. She was Queen, yet she was human still, and she had her own limitations and capability, there were things she couldn't and wouldn't do.

"I will not agree to it," she could feel the headache that would soon befall her as she massaged her temples, shoulders tensing as she sat in her place at the head of the long table. "I do not see why it's a necessary decision to have her—"

"It's for a precaution, Your Majesty." Her eyes flickered up when Lord Melbourne had spoken when she had not even finished her sentence yet, it should have been considered to be a disrespect to cut off the Queen like so, yet he appeared to not put any mind to it as he continued on. "To assure that the Arendelle's royal bloodline continued on."

"It could also strengthen our alliance with another kingdom further, considering the fact that our kingdom has become a desirable trade partner by many." Another man had spoken up, although she could not put her mind on whom as she was still partly distracted by the thought that they had believed that she and Hans would not conceive. "It is a great opportunity, Your Majesty."

Her kingdom was to be the sole purpose of her existence, her main focus as Queen, a nation for her to rule and mind above all else that ever concern her. Apparently, her own devotion was not enough to satisfy the need for power for her Council. "Princess Anna will not be involved into a betrothal." Princes and Lords could come and try to win the Princess' heart, and the Queen's blessing, but she would not see her sister forced into something that she did not want. She herself was enough. "And that is my final decision as Queen."

"But Your Majesty—"

"And do not worry, gentlemen," pushing herself out of her seat with both her hands pressed flat against the smooth mahogany as her eyes were met with those of the men before her. "You would be well-informed when there is a baby growing in my belly, I can assure you that."


The sky was clear above them.

A promise is a promise, no matter how different she had felt about it by each step that Sitron had taken as they journeyed through the forest, pine trees looming over them as she held onto the man in front of her, feeling the autumn wind whistling past her ears and wondered if she would shivered if only the cold could bother her. The further they had gone through the more she believed that Hans' intention was for them to head to the North Mountain, a place they should not be heading to with such minimal amount of supply and preparation.

"Had you really said so?" They had been talking of course, to not let silence engulfed them that would only make the way feel further than it was already is, and Hans had seemed to be rather interested in her most recent meeting with her Council.

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