Love Will Thaw

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A moment was all it takes for the magic to go out of control.

Her hand had waved as she turned to shout at Anna, to express of what she had been feeling within her, for a moment forgetting of the fact that her hand was bare, ungloved, and with a whirlwind of her emotion the magic had found itself rolling out of her fingertips along with it, shooting out and creating a protective wall of jagged ice directed at those who had surrounded her in their curiosity over what had transpired between the two royal sisters.

Everyone had gasped as they stepped back and away to avoid the sharp edges of the ice that had created a clear diversion between them and the Queen, the shock and fearful looks that they had shot at her direction had only made her feel even smaller than she once had, frightened as her heart raced against her chest, against her bare hand that she had pulled close against it as her attempt to hold herself together and to not have her unleash more damage than she had done.

"Sorcery!" In the midst of her own racing mind she recognized the voice of Duke of Weselton, high and accusing as he hid behind his two men with a finger pointed at her. "I knew there was something dubious going on here."

Her hand trembled against her own hold as her eyes scanned through the crowd, only to see exactly what her nightmare had always been. Of the same terror in their eyes, judging and towering over her, and now their look of fright was made clear of what had caused it, and they were all stood against her, she was, as she always had been, alone.

Suddenly she was back as being the young girl that stood in the bedchamber that she shared with her little sister, frightened as her shrill voice called for the help of their parents, shaking as she tried to make her sister opened her eyes. She was all alone as both her parents had checked on Anna, standing by the side of her own bed as they discussed of what to do, fearful to even approach them because she could not risk harming anyone else.

Elsa, what have you done?

Elsa, this is getting out of hand.

Anna can't be with you anymore, you're too dangerous, Elsa.



This is your entire fault.

"Elsa," Her head jerked up when she had heard a different voice, not of her parents or of those in her mind, gentle as they called for her name instead of the accusing voices she often heard, and her blue eyes searched for it's source for she recognized that voice, the gentle manner of it, until they landed on the face of her husband. "It's alright, everything will be alright."

His hand was offered out to her, with the palm up in means of no harm, welcoming as he prompted her to come and take it, green eyes kind unlike the others, understanding because he knew how afraid she was, he could see past the fear that hung thickly in the air, and for a moment she was tempted to let go of the doorknob that she grasped tightly with her gloved hand, to stay and not to fall into the temptation of opening the door and just flee.

"Prince Hans, have you lost your mind?!" The Duke's voice had once again echoed in the ballroom hall, loud against the silent murmur between the guests, and her fingers only curled around the brass tighter as she pressed her back flushed against the door. "She's a monster!"

"No!" The protest had not come from Hans, as she had expected it to, with his masculine voice as he interjected with the man who stood no taller than even she, but it was a feminine voice that she was so familiar with, the one she had grown up with, one who would spoke right outside her door, asking her to come out and build a snowman with her. "My sister is not a monster."

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