Better Than Words Spoken

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The grin plastered over his face made her scowl.

His steps were true, confident, as he made his way of returning to the summer house with Sitron's rein tightly held in his grasp, the thick coat over his body shielding him away from the chilly morning breeze. And she was having none of that; not even the way his auburn hair was slightly tousled by the wind or his freshened expression was able to shake neither the scowl on her face nor the way her arms were folded over her chest.

"Where have you been?" The demanding tone in her voice had not been intentional, at least not that harsh, though it had successfully made his smile wavered. "The bed was empty when I have woken up, and none of the servants know where you have gone. Actually, no one knows you're even gone until I asked of your whereabouts." There was something that she said, although she could not tell what, that only made his smile grew once more as he chuckled. "What?"

Handling the leather rein in his hand to the male servant that had approached, he let the young lad to bring Sitron back to the stables before he turned his attention back toward her, a smile still on his face as he adjusted his white gloves, dirtied by the dirt of the nature. "I've taken Sitron for a small ride around, the woods really is peaceful when it is barely dawn." There was a thin mist that came from him when he spoke as the warmth of his breath was met with the chilly air, and she was unable to tell why she had found such a small and insignificant thing to be so fascinating. "I must say though, I'm glad to have you so worried over me."

"And what makes you think that of me?"

"You were pretty clear of it through your words, Elsa." Heat crept up her neck and onto her cheeks by that, for she should have known that he would have realized of her concern by the way she had spoken, by how questioning she had been over his disappearance when it was perhaps only been merely hours and that he did have the right to go wherever he pleased as he was a grown man, and his smile had only widen when he saw the color that adorned her cheeks. "Also," his hands went to unclasp his coat, taking it off before he draped it over her shoulders instead. "For you to stand out here in nothing but a thin robe just to scold me, you could catch a cold."

Between the two of them though, he was the most likely to catch a cold, for low temperature had no effect on her in any way that others do, and she should not have let him take his coat off for her, as it served no difference for her, and yet his genuine gesture had made her gloved hands take a hold onto the thick material, to pull it closer around her figure as she watched his face, to see the smile on his face that had successfully melted her initial anger at him and left her with nothing but a sense of warmth that swelled within her.

The sudden loud rumbling coming from his direction did break the silence that had passed between them as she laughed, one that came from her core and not one that reserved merely for formalities, a genuine amused one that made her had to cover her grin with her hand as she watched how the table had turned between them and he was now the one who had cheeks reddening in embarrassment. "I take it you are ready for breakfast, husband?" She was not the one to tease, and yet this once she did, for she had beginning to understand what he perhaps had felt every time he caused the flushed expression on her, and she must say that it was quite the satisfaction.

Though he did take teasing better than she, for he let out a chuckle as he nodded, a hand extended and offered out toward her. "Well, why don't we step inside then, wife?" His respond to what it seemed to be their very first good-natured banter had left her shaking her head in amusement as she took his hand, satin meeting satin as he grasped her fingers and led her back into the house.

And for once, her power had been the least thing that she had in her mind.


"I'm glad to see your relationship with Prince Hans has improved so much, Your Majesty."

There was a quiet hum that came from her as her eyes remained fixed on the bathing water as she let the Governess gently scrubbed her left arm, watching the ripples that were created with every single movement that she made. Yes, she shared the same feeling as the maid over her relationship with Hans, as she had found herself some comfort with him that she had not found with anyone else, and it gave her life some sort of ease, and yet there were many things that remained inside her mind, things that she knew she could not avoid her entire life.

"To see you so happy, for once, Your Majesty; is truly a blessing for me." Gerda continued with a smile as she ran the cleaning sponge in her hand over smooth skin. "It feels like forever since the last time I've seen you laughed like that."

Should she was to be honest; even she could not tell exactly when she had felt so... free. To not be so haunted by her past and her father's expectations to her, to feel as her own self even if it was only for a moment. Her banter with Hans had carried on to breakfast, and even after that, and such rare sight of them feeling comfort in each other's presence was a huge step into their relationship, one that she did not expect could make her want for more.

She wanted to have someone to understand, someone to listen, for once.

"I wish I could feel somewhat similar when it comes to Anna." But she couldn't, because the Princess must have resent her own sister, anyone who had been pushed away for so long must have felt that way, and there was a gap too large for her to fix between them. "Yet I supposed I could not wish too much."

The furrowing of Gerda's brows was expected, as she thought that deep within the Governess' mind she knew of what she had been referring to, she must have realized how distant the sisters had been, her crowning as Queen and marriage could do nothing to mend their bond. "Your Majesty, have you truly not realized how much your sister loves you?" When met with the Queen's confused stare, the middle-aged servant had only shook her head. "The Princess asked me to make sure that you're happy, Your Majesty, to care for you during this trip. That is all that she ever wanted. And seeing how Prince Hans could make you feel, I know your sister would be happy."


I would rather wait and have your silence until your words matched your feelings.

Most time she would find herself no trouble in forming words, to speak of what was necessary for her to, as the reigning Queen her voice must be heard in every Council meeting despite their doubts that a woman should rule the kingdom without a King. Yet now, as she made her way toward the bed, where her husband had sat up against the headboard with a book in hand, she could not find her voice to speak up of what her mind had mulled over and over again.

With fingers holding the top of the opened book, she had tugged it out and away from his grasp, earning herself a raise of his eyebrow as he gave her a silent question of what she had in mind until she had to take his reading away from him and placed it on the nightstand by her side. "I could not find the words for it," she had sighed truthfully, for she could not have any more secret hidden away within her without making her feel so overwhelmed. Though the way she had spoken must have only confused him further, for now his brows had furrowed as her eyes met his instead of avoiding his gaze, for she had to see him. "But I could not keep this lie forever."

Her hand moved to rest on his face the same way it had always did, yet now he was not asleep when she did it, wide awake as his eyes watched hers, and she brought herself closer to him, slowly as her eyes fluttered close until her lips find his warmer ones.

His respond was to kiss her back, and this time she remained, letting herself melted against his gentle touch as his arms moved to wrap around her figure, pulling her into his embrace until she had found herself nestled on his lap while her other hand had found itself at the back of his head, fingers running through the thick auburn hair.

"That's quite alright," his murmur against her lips were quiet, and she could feel the smile that graced upon his face. "I think I prefer this than words."

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