A Message To Girls

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You all are beautiful, and by that, I mean all of you. You may think that you're the ugliest thing ever, but you are truly beautiful.

You don't need to wear less clothes or wear 10 pounds of makeup to look beautiful. It's the way that you treat people is what makes you truly beautiful.

If a guy can't look past your imperfections, then he doesn't deserve your time of day.


If you feel more confident wearing make up, then go ahead. If you think you look prettier, go ahead.

But don't let anyone anyone try to make you wear other things or look different.

You are you. You are beautiful. Do what you want to do, and anyone who tries to make you do otherwise can bite the dust.

Don't do anything that you don't want to do. If a guy asks you to do something that you don't want to, leave that pervert behind.

We're guys, but some of us are different. Some of us love you for you, others love you for other things.

Find someone who loves you for you.

Find someone who deserves you.

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