Why I Write DDLC...A LOT

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If you've even taken a glance at my account, you could probably guess that I like Doki Doki Literature Club.

Like, I've written so much, my keyboard predicts that I'm gonna say Monika, Sayori, Yuri, or Natsuki.

You all might think that I'm OBSESSED with the game, but the reality is, I'm really not.

I won't lie, I enjoy the game, however I write about it because the characters are easy to work with.

Not to mention, it pulls in a TON of reads because it's still popular... somewhat.

I also enjoy the game because it gives me a chance to escape reality. Like actually be a kid for once instead of staying strong against all those who hate me. A chance to be free I guess.

This sounds weird but I have a strong bond with all the characters. I share feelings with them.

Mostly I just borrowed the characters for my story, and added my whole plot. Pretty ballsy move but it still worked out okay.

Or at least...I think my stories are good.

Anyway I'd go as far to say I love the game, just overall the plot of the game, the characters, and even the ending were very creative.

So props goes to Team Salvato.

Unfortunately I have yet to meet anyone in real life that shares my love of the game, so I'm kinda riding solo with this.

But hey, I still enjoy it.

And that's what matters.

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