Inspirational Speech #1

140 11 21

What are you?

Well, you're a human of course.

You see, people who think like that, don't succeed. Step one is to think of yourself as more than a human.

A man asked me and my friend "What is the meaning of human life?"

My friend told him it was to repopulate and then die.

I told him he was completely wrong.

You see, as us humans, we have tens of thousands of meanings. I mean hell, I'd go even as far to say there's infinite reasons.

All of us have our own purpose. We choose our purpose. My personal purpose is to fight for those who can't fight their fights, and support what is good.

Now that can mean physical fights, or emotional fights. I talk people out of depression all the time.

If any of you out there want to follow me, I'll let you lead the way.

You make your purpose, you do what you want to do, and don't let anyone stop you.

People who drag you down are those who gave up. You must be stronger than them, you are stronger than them.

You can be successful, and even at one point help them.

But you are different, each one of you is special.

Each one of you is here for a purpose.
Each one of you matters to someone.
Each one of you belongs to someone.

Each one of you, has a meaning.

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