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  Ygritte was in a deep sleep one moment, and the next, she was falling rapidly. Wind blew through her blonde hair and a startled gasp followed by a scream burst from her lips as her body was thrown all around. She collided with stone walls and then fell into the bodies of her companions as they slid down tunnels into a wooden cage.

  A chorus of groans filled the air as they laid there in a pile. Before they could fully regain their bearings and climb to their feet, footsteps bounded towards them and a horde of howling goblins swarmed them, roughly pulling them up from the ground. Ygritte fought against them the best she could, but there were so many goblins that she found it hard to resist.

  She heard someone call out her name at some point, but she couldn't tell who it was over all the noise. Ygritte did, however, manage to get a glance of Bilbo Baggins from the corner of her eye. He was standing still, not a single goblin near him. It was as though they couldn't even see the frightened hobbit standing there.

  Ygritte meant to tell Bilbo to run, to get as far away as he could, but when she wouldn't move forward like the goblins wanted, one of them clamped their jaw down onto her forearm. Blood seeped from the nasty wound and she hissed at the sight of the gnawed flesh. She turned to glare at the goblin, only for the creature to hiss in her face and nudge her again. This time, she listened, moving forward.

  Bats flew around their heads, scampering towards the darkest crevices of the caverns as the horde of goblins led them through a vast network of dimly lit tunnels and wooden bridges until the pathway opened up into what appeared to be a throne room for the Great Goblin King. There were lanterns positioned around the room for lighting, and wooden pathways and ledges built along the walls with dozens of goblins poised upon them.

  The Goblin King was massive, standing several feet taller than the other goblins, his height reminding Ygritte of the trolls that her father had turned to stone not that long ago. His skin was filthy, covered with warts that dangled from his swinging chin, and what little clothing he wore was tattered and hung off his foul-smelling flesh.

  They were forced to stand still as their weapons were gathered and thrown into a pile in front of them on the ground. Ygritte couldn't help but look over at Aninth as their weapons were being confiscated. She didn't see or hear any of the goblins react to Ryvniss, which meant the dragon was hiding well and the Goblin King didn't know that he existed. Yet, at least.

  The Great Goblin King jumped off his throne and approached them, trampling several of the smaller goblins in the process. "Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?"

  "Dwarves, Your Malevolence," said one of the smaller goblins. Ygritte recognized him as the one who had bitten her, and she couldn't help but glare at him. "And two women."

  "Dwarves and two women, you say?"

  "We found them on the Front Porch," the smaller goblin explained.

  "Well, don't just stand there. Search them! Every crack. Every crevice," the Great Goblin demanded as he looked over his intruders. "Even the women. Pretty as they may be, looks can be deceiving."

  The goblins howled in response and began searching the Company much more thoroughly this time, throwing away whatever they found. The daggers Ygritte kept hidden in her boots had been confiscated, as had the stone Kili's mother gave him and Oin's hearing trumpet, which had been crushed underfoot. But still, no Ryvniss. Ygritte wondered where the dragon had gone.

  "What are you doing in these parts? Speak!" The Goblin King demanded answers, and he grew irritated when they remained silent. "Very well. If they will not talk, we'll make them squawk. Bring out the Mangler. Bring out the Bone Breaker. Start with the youngest." He pointed at Ori with his staff, causing Thorin to push his way forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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