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 RIVENDELL meant so much to Ygritte

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RIVENDELL meant so much to Ygritte. It is one of her favourite destinations where she can simply relax and reminisce with the people that she loves. It is the place where she had grown up and became the woman she is now. It is the place that her mother often took her to when her father was off on one of his adventures. It held so many dear memories within its roots that is was practially her second home, if not her permanent home with the amount of time she has spent within it's walls. So, suffice it to say, she was rather upset to be leaving so abruptly.

It was the break of dawn when Thorin had made the announcement. While her father and Lord Elrond were attending a meeting he intended for them to leave. "The longer we stay here, the fewer days we have until the next Durin's Day," Thorin had told the Company as they packed their bags and kicked out their breakfast fire. Ygritte tried not to show how upset she was about leaving so soon but she had a feeling that the Dwarves could see her mood dampen in a matter of minutes, yet no one said a word toward her.

Bags packed and on their backs, the Company began to trek quietly through Rivendell, being extremely cautious of their surroundings in case they happened to cross paths with someone that could possibly stop them and inform Lord Elrond of their leave. Ygritte had turned around at one point, coming to stand at the edge of a cliff that overlooked her second home.

They had left so suddenly that she wasn't even able to bid Isobel or Lord Elrond or even her mother a farewell, which is something she has always done before she departs on one of her journeys. Her heart has been aching in silent pain with each step she was taking away.

Ygritte eventually heard footsteps approach her from behind and then felt a hand lay itself upon her arm. She didn't have to turn around to know that it was her friend Aninth offering her this comfort.

"I'm sorry that you had to leave without saying goodbye." The tone that Aninth had spoke with showed how much she understood the pain Ygritte was feeling, something Ygritte herself appreciated, as Aninth has always been nothing but kind towards her since they met. She was glad that her father asked Aninth to come along because she couldn't imagine never knowing this exceptional woman and her dragon companion.

"I never leave without visiting her one last time," Ygritte croaked. The moments that followed were silent. She could tell that Aninth didn't know what what to say to her next given her sudden silence.

Several silent moments seemed to pass by until Ygritte finally stepped away from the edge of the cliff. "We best keep up before we lose sight of them."

"That's highly unlikely," Aninth replied with a smile. Ygritte looked to her, perplexed. "I'm sure if we rode Ryvniss that we would catch up with them in, what do you say, two minutes at the most, Ryv?"

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