Chapter 1

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The young doctor sat alone in his lab. He glanced up at the time. 2:45am, he thought to himself. He pulled the paper bag up and over his head. He rubs his inner eyelids.

He opens his eyes again and shaked his head, trying to fight his sleep. He looks over at his name tag on his desk that says Flug Slys written in gold lettering.

Then, over at the three pictures on his desk. One of his, now dead, parents, his 'failed' experiment and friend, 505 and Dementia, and of his brother, Slug Slys.

"Shit," he sighs to himself.

He massaged the temples on his head because of a massive headache he has had for the past couple hours.

"It's considered rude to cuss, Doctor."

Flug immediately turns his head around to where the voice came from. It was his boss, Jefecito, Flug likes to call him. Or, what he prefers, Black Hat.

"A-ah! Hello, sir! Why are you up so late?"

"I might ask the same of you, Flug."

"O-oh, I was just finishing the- er- my design for the security system for the- er- um- perimeter of the house." He can tell he wasn't buying it.

Flug was an insomniac. No matter how much he would try, he couldn't sleep.

He took some tests a couple months back and found out that it was the stress of the deadlines of his inventions that kept him awake.

Though, he didn't mind staying up to finish those inventions. As long as it made Jefe happy, he would say to himself whenever he would stay awake.

"Flug," Black Hat says, walking over to Dr. Flug, putting his hand on his shoulder. He looked at Flug, taking in appearance. It was a rare chance to see him without his bag on. Black Hat continues, sounding as sincere as possible. "Why aren't you sleeping? You've been awake for the past 4 days straight! I-, I mean, we care about you. 505, Dementia, and I."

Flug had a very surprised look on his face, his green eyes looking into Black Hat's small black eyes, and monocle. He blushed at Black Hat's small stutter of just referring to himself, instead of the whole household of four.

"B-but the deadlines. T-these p-projects won't build themselves."

"I'll extend them."

It took a while for Flug to process what his boss was saying. Extend my deadlines?! What is he thinking? Is he sick? Does he not feel alright? Am I in trouble? I-is this a prank!? It probably is! These sluts! Flug got out of his chair and placed the back of his hand into Black Hat's head.

"Je- S-sir, are you alright?" Flug asks, almost teasingly. The feel of Flug's cold hand made Black Hat shiver.

Reflectively, Black Hat grabbed Flug's hand and placed it on his cheek. Black Hat closed his eyes and put his hand to his lips. He blew hot air into his hand, attempting to warm them.

Dr. Flug felt his face flush over with heat. What is wrong with him?! Now I'm certain he's sick.

"S-sir!? A-a-are you alright?"

"Yeah. Why, Flug?" Black Hat placed his head on Flug's. Looking into his eyes, he pushed the other lightly into the desk. He cupped his cheek. "Do I not look alright?"

Flug was embarrassed at how close Black Hat was. Flug felt the urge to kiss him. This man, his boss, has been Flug's secret crush for the past 3 years, out of the 4 he has been working for him. At first, Black Hat was cruel, rude, mean to Flug. But, after some time, they warmed up to each other. But, never like this.

Flug was still debating whether or not to kiss the man-demon-person in front of him. It was like being lost in a trance for him to think in his state.

"Flug~?" Black Hat lightly called out to Flug, but didn't get a response. So, he did what a lovestruck being would do, and kissed Flug.

It's me bitches
Jk I love you

This is yet again another waste of my time
Thanks for reading

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