Chapter 7

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*Black Hat POV*

I don't know when it all started. Maybe, when I saw him at the graduation, or, maybe, when he started to work for me? Whatever time it was, I was in love.

With who, you may ask?

With a complete nerd. A intelligent, beautiful, sweet man.

Flug Slys.

Yes, you heard- er- read that right. I love him. I love him. I love him.

Many think that just because I'm a demon, I don't have feelings. But, I do. I feel so many feelings. The greatest one I've had is love. Though, I don't know how to express my love.

I am absolutely horrible to him. I hate myself for this.

My parents, mostly my mother, taught me to be kind. But, their kindness was short lived.

My father began to be cruel to my mother, my two brothers, and I. He would ruthlessly beat my mother. He would cheat and ruin her. He slowly began to hit us, I got out of there before it would get worse. I blame myself for my mother's death, having her beautiful life get crushed by my father.

I haven't seen or heard of my little brother, Grey Hat, but I've heard a lot of my older brother, White Hat. That softie became a hero. That idiot isn't a hero, he wouldn't even try to defend me, out little brother, and our dearest mother. He was, I'm sorry, is a selfish and spoiled brat.

Anyway, we're getting off track here. Enough about me. I wanna just talk about Flug. My jewel, my treasure. But, now I'm a about to lose my beautiful prince.

I feel helpless as he lays here on this bed. If he does die, I would have this horrible regret of not telling him how I really feel, and how I could've done more to protect him from that stupid lizard.

"S-siR?!" I here him yell. My attention quickly turns to him, he weakly points at his desk.

I run over to the desk, to find a shot in the top desk. I pick it up, and run back over to Flug. He weakly grabs it, then jabs it into his neck, where you regularly find the pulse.

He lays back down on the bed, a little more at ease. He looks up at me.

"I'm sorry, sir. To trouble you to have you do this for me."

"It's fine, Flug!" I reply, as I grab his hand and pull him closer to me. He blushes in the forehead, ears, across from cheek to cheek. His freckles nearly invisible as he light grips my hand and turns his head away from me.

"T-thank you, sir."

Oof, children who have read this and have been patiently waiting, I'm so sorry!
I've been even more stressed out now that I'm back with my girlfriend and my grades were due today. Anywho!
Thanks for reading

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