Chapter 12

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Black Hat POV

I sprint to the floor their bedrooms are. I forget which was which.

I check the closest. It's 5.0.5.'s bedroom.

Then, I check the one across the hall, it's Dementia's. I rush in and check to see if my beloved Flug is in there.

It is a mess in here. There's plates, cups, and silverware broken and scattered everywhere. There is also scratches on the walls everywhere, and occasional blood. Her clothes and combinations are everywhere.

I look under and in everything.


I check her bathroom and closet.

Still, nothing.

I rush out and check the next room. It's Flug's room. It's pretty tidy and neat. There's no one in here.

I do the same routine that I did in Dementia's room. Still nothing.

It gets harder to breathe every passing minute. A loud bang from downstairs startles me.

I sprint out down the stairs to where the noise might've came from.

Flug POV- Back 20 minutes before

Black Hat leaves the bathroom, to clean the room.

I then hear him teleport, most likely downstairs, about 5 minutes after he left the bathroom.

I feel the pain ease up on my hips and back. I try to get up, using the railing in the bath.

I pull myself up, fearing I might slip.

But, it is less painful to get up than it was before. I bend down, then take out the, erm, water preventer from drain thingy. (A/N I forgot what it was called ;^;)  But it falls back onto the drain, so I just leave it. Most of the water still in the tub.

I turn the shower on, feeling the warm water hit my face. I turn around to get my back. I wash last night out of my hair, and the scent off of me.

Black Hat has different shampoos than me. I use them anyways.

I finish and turn off the water. The tub is still full. I feel too clean to reach down and remove the thingy, so I leave it. I get out of the shower and start to dry myself. Once finished, I look for clothes to put on.

That bastard didn't leave me clothes! Gah!

I wrap myself in my towel and waddle over to the bathroom door, my ass is still hurting, but not as much.

I look around if he left me any clothes, or if he's even there. He isn't, and there isn't any clothes for me.

I waddle over to the room door. Hesitantly, I go down towards the hallway that leads to the stairs. I look around, there's no one.

This is so tricky. What if 5.0.5. sees me? Or worse, Dementia. She must be out of her room by now.

I tip toe down the stairs, towards my room. I successfully make it there.

I don't have clothes here either! What in the fuck?!

That's when I remember, Dementia burnt all but two pairs of my clothes with a flamethrower I made.

I slightly curse her in my head and turn around to walk to the basement, to retrieve my dirty clothes that should be done by now. Before I get to the stairs that lead downstairs, Dementia walks out of her room, bumping into me slightly.

She jumps back, hitting her door.

"S-sorry!" She says, frightened. Maybe from, Black Hat. The poor dear.

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