Chapter 2

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It took a few seconds for Flug to process what was happening. His boss, Black Hat, is currently kissing him. It was like he was just dreaming.

Except this wasn't a dream.

It was really happening. And that made Flug very happy.

Black Hat bit Flug's bottom lip, his way of asking for entrance. Flug yelped as Black Hat bit his lip quite harshly. Black Hat took this opportunity to slip his tongue inside of Flug's small mouth. Black Hat slightly tilted Flug's head to deepen the hot kiss, exploring the wet cavern.

It was getting hard for Flug to breathe, he was starting to get light headed. He put his hands on Black Hats chest, and weakly started to push him away. Black Hat chuckled softly at Flug's weak attempts, but having a slight amount sympathy, he stopped.

"S-sir!" Dr. Flug gasped out. "W-what ar-are you do-doing?!"

"Flug. Get some sleep. That's an order. We'll talk tomorrow."

"B-but, sir-"

"I said tomorrow, do I make myself clear?"

Dr. Flug shook his head lightly in agreement. With a snap of his fingers, Black Hat teleported both of them to his room.

"S-sir? Why are-"

"Hush, now. Just get some sleep."

Flug took of his red Converse, and laid in Black Hat's bed. He took the time take a look at Black Hat's room, and the scent that lingered on the bed. A dresser to the far left corner, of another slightly smaller dresser close to the door and bed, a couple windows here and there, but they were boarded up, and a couple of framed pictures of Flug were hanged on the walls. He was still flustered from the kiss, but this took the cake. Why are there so many pictures?!

"Flug, I'm not going to tell you again. Get some rest."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

Black Hat laid next to Flug. He pulled him closer. Flug smiled at this gesture of love and care.

"'Night, Flug."

"Goodnight, s-sir."

With that they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

~time skip~

Flug woke with a start. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking them, thinking of the usual light that blinded him whenever he slept in his room. But, he was greeted with the nearly pitch black darkness of Black Hat's room, and a smile from the man himself.

"Mm~. Morning, Flug. Sleep well?"

"Y-yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

Flug started to get up and move off the bed. But, Black Hat clung onto him. He wrapped his arms around his waist and whined.

"Flug~. I'm not ready to wake up~."

"Well I am! S-sir."

"B-but.." He gave Flug, the look. A sad look that melted Flug's heart into a little puddle.

"Mmmnnnagh! Okay. But just for a little bit."

"Thanks." Black Hat cuddled into Flug's chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around Flug's tiny waist.


"Hm?" Black Hat hummed in response.

"W-why are you acting like this?"

Black Hat opened his eyes and looked up at Flug. He slid up to meet eye contact with him. He kissed Flug on the forehead, getting a dark red, blushed face in response.

"Isn't it obvious? Because I love you."


"You heard me, Flug."

"I-I did, s-sir. But, w-why me? When?"

"I- I just had a feeling about you. Like I knew you were the one. And, ever since I met you. The reason for being cruel to you, was because I was confused about my feeling. I didn't know what they were. It scared me, and... I took it out on you."

Flug could only look at him with a surprised look. He was surprised at how sincere Black Hat sounded. How soft his eyes were set on him.

"I-I'm sorry, Flug."

Black Hat had that look again on his face, but it was sadder. This time, it made Flug's heart break into tiny, little pieces for ever thinking bad upon this man.

"I-I-It's fine, sir. I-I didn't take any offence to it. I didn't love you any less."

"Y-you love me, too?"

"I- umm- I-"


"Yes, I love you, Jefe- I mean... Black Hat, sir."

"It's fine. You can call me Jefecito. I think it's cute."

"O-okay!.. Jefecito."

"How long have you loved me?"

"A-a year after I started working for Black Hat Organizations. When you started to- how should I say- get- be nicer to me."

"Ah. I see."

Black Hat cupped Flug's cheek. Feeling the heat come off of his skin. Flug looked up at him with a soft gaze. He brought his face up closer to him. They both closed their eyes and-


5.0.5. called for Flug. You could hear him tear up the mansion looking for him with worried whines and roars. Flug chuckled at the anxious 5.0.5. For that one year, it felt like 5.0.5. was the only one who cared for him, the only one he can warm himself up to, the only one who would ever love him. Well, of course, there was Dementia, but she was, how would he say, rough. But, it was still nice.

Flug got up out of the bed, again. And, placed his hand on the back of his head, attempting to fix his bag. He then remembered that he left his bag in his office. It was rare for him to have his bag off, it was uncomfortable for him.

He got up out of the bed, dragging a lazy, nearly undressed Black Hat with him. As he neared the door, he bumped into someone.

OoooOOoOooh cliffhanger! 😱
Thanks for reading

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