Basil and Lemon (Thane x FemShep)

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Shepards eyes... burned? But why? She blinked several times and looked around. She could barely see anything, but up ahead there was a small, dim light. With every step closer to the luminescence, her body started to feel lighter and her eyes stopped hurting. Breathing became easier as well and she couldn't help but smile. 

She made it out into the light and the world was so full of every vibrant color that it took her breath away. She saw the most wonderful flowers and she could feel the sunshine caress her body like warm honey. Up ahead, there was someone standing with their hands behind their back. They were looking out at a beautiful lake that shone lightly in the sun. Emotion overwhelmed her and she collapsed onto the ground.

"Thane?" She said. The man turned around and his mouth opened slightly at his commander on the ground. 

"Shepard?" He said before taking a couple steps towards her. "No. What are you doing here?" She couldn't help it anymore and ran to him. They wrapped their arms around each other and Shepard buried her head into his neck.

"I missed you." She breathed. He was shaking slightly and she pulled away, worry written all over her face. 

"Siha, you should not be here yet." He said seriously. She raised an eyebrow but took a step back, still keeping a hand on his arm. "I have not been waiting long enough." Suddenly, everything hit her. The Catalyst, Anderson, the Normandy crew... the choice. She took a shaky breath and tightened her fist. 

"It couldn't be helped." She whispered. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her.

"You are the best commander in the entire galaxy." He said, kissing her forehead softly. They relaxed into each others arms and she breathed in his scent of basil and lemon. Such an odd combination of scents, but it just made her love him even more. It made her feel at home and anytime she smelled those together her heart ached for the man before her.

"Thank you. I'm glad that you're here to welcome me." She looked up at him and brought their lips together in a sweet kiss.

"I would have waited an eternity for you." He muttered. He caressed her face and the kiss he gave her made her toes curl. "Come." He said, grabbing her hand. "Mordin and the others have been waiting for you as well."


Long time no post! I received a very nice message about wanting more Thane and FemShep... so I decided that in celebration of me finishing my finals I would get out another short story with these two cuties(even if it's sad because apparently this is what I came up with). I promise to write more with them and the others, but it might be a while. I hope you are are staying safe and healthy out there. Blessings be with you and your families xx.

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