Dating Headcanons!

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A little break from short stories... I bring you HeadcanonsI(With just a few of the crew)!! ... I started watching My Hero Academia again and it just makes me inspired so here we go babyyy - these are just thoughts I have about Garrus, Thane, Joker, Liara, and Tali

Garrus Vakarian

Garrus seems like the type to try to be super sexy and smooth but would end up tripping over his foot

BUT! This boy is so good. Like when he asked you out for the first time he couldn't get the right words out, but brought along a rose and handed it to you

Anytime he has to go on a mission, you find little notes all over your apartment with compliments, or random facts about combat. Your favorite is one that says "swords? Fake. Don't believe in them." You later found out that one he wrote at 4 AM and was so tired he wasn't thinking straight 

He would never admit it to anyone but he absolutely loves when you call him Archangel. So much so that if Turians could blush, he would.

He talks about you all the time. Like so often. Everyone literally hates him for it but secretly they all love how twitterpated he gets


Thane Krios

OH BOY. He brings you a flower every day. 

Even if he is on a mission, you somehow find a flower left on your porch. He makes sure he never gives you the same kind every day, and sometimes he's even given you fake ones. 

The way he breathes your name leaves your knees weak

Once you made a joke about how he's sort of like a fish and after a very long mission instead of a rose... he gave you a goldfish

Sometimes when you fall asleep alone and sad then when you wake up he's there because he snuck into your room to cuddle

Secretly v. kinky. Like... very


He teases you all the time but that's okay because you are just as quick with responses

You love the look on his face when you roast him so hard he's speechless

You guys video chat all the time. Your longest time was about 7 days while he was helping with things.

One of his favorite things is his mothers egg rolls, so whenever you get the chance you're experimenting to try to recreate them for him.

Once you do, he actually starts crying and it ends up with you two on the couch watching Disney movies

Speaking of that.... yeah. He sings to every song. Very loudly as well

Liara T'Soni

 Did someone say sweet babey? Because she is that. 

She loves bubble baths, especially when she can convince you to join her

Once you went to her place and she had tried to make your favorite meal but she ended up almost burning the place down

Thankfully, you were able to order food and still save date night.

She collects things from planets and brings them back to you... you have a small collection of your favorites

She loves hugging you from behind. Like wow, she wraps herself so perfectly around your mid section and she can't help but giggle into your back

Also??? Gives the best kisses. 12/10 would recommend


Tali was very nervous about you seeing her without her mask for the first time but you were so swept away by her beauty that you actually started crying

You were the one who said I love you first and she couldn't believe that you loved her

She likes laying on your bed together to just talk. It usually ends up turning into something more but she really really loves laying outside and looking at the stars

They jokingly named a bunch of stars after various people/ things and you sort of forgot about them but she remembered every one

She accidentally referred to them as those names once and Garrus wouldn't stop laughing about it for a week

James Vega

 Work out routines together. He makes it a competition to see who can do more 

He will 100% flex any time he gets

He also is very kinky but he's not shy about it. Grab your ass in public? Done. Also he legit will randomly smirk and whisper dirty things in your ear. If you blush, he wins

BUT! The second you tell him to cut it out or if you're uncomfortable he will stop immediately. He respects the hell out of you and that's why. (He definitely drinks his RESPECKT WO MEN JOOSE)

He's also very sweet. This boy is whipped. He's head over heels for you so he would do anything for you

If you get a period he legit has a calendar in his phone telling him when it is so on your first day he shows up with chocolates and extra pads/tampons/etc.

Your kisses melt him. He can be all cocky and confident, but the second you kiss him he gets a little bashful

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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